When I think of The National FFA Organization, so many memories come to mind. With it being National FFA week I thought I would revisit a few of these memories.
When I first decided to join the FFA, I had no idea where it would take me. My cousin Jolene kept telling me about all of the fun things she was doing so I joined. During my second year as a chapter officer and a multiple contest participant, the school hired a new advisor. When Melissa Cantrell stormed into the Ubly FFA my entire perspective changed. I found out that there was a great deal more to FFA than our local chicken BBQ and contests. I found opportunities to travel the world and begin an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) that would change my life forever.
One of the adults involved in my local chapter before Melissa Cantrell came to Ubly, said that I would not stick to my SAE of dairy production. My goal was to begin my own herd of dairy cattle and to win the proficiency area of Dairy Production in Michigan. When Mrs. Cantrell told me this former mentor had said I would not stick to it and that I was not really involved on the farm, it became fuel for the fire. I was determined and motivated to meet this goal I set for myself and to improve to all the doubters that I could do this.
In the process of growing my own herd of Jersey and Holstein dairy cattle, I found a love and passion for dairy cattle. The breed I absolutely fell in love with is the Jersey and there is a fabulous breed association behind those beautiful cows supporting all new members. Since the beginning of my project I have become a decision maker on my family’s dairy farm. The herd of Jerseys, beginning with five cows, is ever growing and becoming a larger part of the Messing herd. I have found a passion for working with animals and there is nothing I would rather be doing.
Motivation, hard work and determination are all things I learned on the farm, but learned to apply in a goal oriented setting through The National FFA Organization. There is so much more to the FFA than learning to compete in public speaking contests and winning awards. The awards and contests are a way for the members to socialize and meet new friends. The more important life long skills are learned on the day to day operations of the farm and ag class.
Without this organization I might still be wandering through life trying to figure out what I want out of life. Before FFA, if you would have asked me what I wanted to do after high school I would have said get away from the farm. That was all I wanted. After my college graduation, I could not wait to get back to the farm. It’s funny how things work out the way they do.
Now I am in the other seat. I am the alumni listening to speeches, asking questions and giving interviews. I do not get nervous for contests and now am excited to see how the students do. I am trying to teach these students about motivation, hard work and determination. Showing them that winning is not everything and life does go on after you do not win at State Convention.
After all of these years of hard work I still believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds.