My father is doing a health check on one of the cows on our farm. Cows get checked regularly just like we do at the doctor's.
Farmers are constantly giving. They are giving their time to the land and animals. They are constantly giving up their family time to work and chores. They are giving a lot of the worlds people nourishment but also realize millions go to bed hungry each night. They also give little parts of their profits away each year because they are the “low man on the todum pole”.
Farmers are also the most giving people in the world from their hearts. They take pride in feeding people, giving nourishment is the most satisfying profession in the world. They would drop their work to help a neighbor, friend or family member out.
During this Thanksgiving Holiday I would like you to think about the families that produced the food on your table. Think about the hard work and the passion that is behind it all.