Today, I have 2 polls on my blog. The first is the poll on the cow’s head. Yup, there is a part on the dairy cow’s head is called the poll, check it out below. The other poll is a cow part’s quiz! Yay! I miss college so much I thought I would revert back and give you all a quiz.
You might laugh at learning the body parts of a cow. But in the dairy world, it’s the most basic knowledge for any youth competing in a showmanship class or any dairy event. In my college dairy judging class, we took the cow parts quiz everyday until everyone in got 100%. Needless to say, depending on other’s motivation and intelligence is a rather unfair.
My question today is going to be a multiple choice question of one of the cow parts I have blocked out and replaced with a number. So get your thinking caps on and figure out what part I’m talking about. Also, pay close attention to these parts because I will be teaching you about milking procedure next week and you will need to know some of them!
Today we’re going to look at the cow part labeled with the red 1. I ask you not to look the answers up before you guess.
nice picture,thannk you so much for reading,very easy understanding
thank’s guys ! u gave me info :))
i learn so many things on it….provide more information
Thank you so much for reading! I am working on some more educational posts.
You should have put “Hell if I know” as an option for folks like me! Glad you are doing this! I’m betting I can learn some things!
I should have! Ha ha.