All of the rooms in our old farmhouse have the classic 1970s wood paneling. It was dark and pretty dreary. To brighten the place up my mother painted the upstairs bathroom a bright color. My grandmother had it a bright teal. When I was young it was a lavender color and later my mom painted it her second favorite color, yellow. This was before we realized you should pick out the color you like and then go one shade lighter. What we thought was a nice, buttery yellow turned out to be a color similar to lemonade that is made from the powder mix.
By evidence of the photo it was bright. This is the back of the door before we stripped it and varnished it to match the cupboards in the bathroom. This room was my first request for a room remodel. My In-laws are amazing with remodeling and went right into the project! And here is the finished project, a bathroom that my husband and I LOVE!
We wanted a basket that kept the rustic look but real wood would be hard to keep looking clean. With the humidity in a bathroom it would start to get moldy soon too. So we got the baskets in the link below this paragraph, they have a natural fiber look to them but are actually plastic. As you can see mine are stuffed full and have held up great! They are a little expensive but worth the money in my opinion.
We got a great sale on flooring. It is a false travertine flooring, that was simple to install and looks great!
The cupboards and formic are original and we simple restrained the cupboards and replaced everything else!
I found a shower curtain almost identical on the Anthropology website and I love it. I thought it would really give the bathroom a feminine. But I was not willing to pay as much as Anthropology wanted so I started searching and found a much cheaper alternative on Amazon of course!
Incredible…. this is a handy web-site.
Lovely! inviting, functional and creative.
Thank you Aunt Kath! We love the space.
What a nice job you guys did!! I love how the ruffle curtain balances adds a little chic to the rustic feel. Finally a remodel not done in completely all white 🙂 I love it!
I totally biffed that comment. But, you know what I meant … hopefully 😉 I should proof BEFORE I post 🙂
Thank you, I loved the shower curtain too. I needed something super feminine to balance out the room. Yes, I did get what you were saying in the first comment. No worries 🙂