It has been a while since I shared my background and with it being National Agriculture Week I thought this would be a great time to share it. I worry a lot that I might not come across as genuine in my blog. I work very hard to be who I am, which is very relative to how I feel that day. But today I wanted to share with you why I farm and why I love the farm. To be honest with you, it is not always a fun job. There are days why I wonder what in the world I was thinking when I bought the cows.
I honestly didn’t always love the farm. I felt it infringed on my bustling toddler social schedule. I clearly remember being 3 or 4 and at my aunt and uncle’s house for a family holiday. My mom and dad told me we had to go home to milk the cows. Then came Hurricane Ashley. I threw an impressive temper tantrum and screamed about how much I hated the cows and I didn’t want to go home to milk them.
The farm life is not always sunshine and rainbows. When it is the warmest day of the week temperature wise but we have 30 mile an hour wind and snow. Wonderful, nothing like making an already hard job harder. The milk price is down right now and that means we are buckling down and I am going through my first hard time financially as a farm owner. When they start comparing it to our dairy industry crash of 2009 it gets nerve wracking for a beginning farmer. Needless to say, everyday is not fun.
It might not always be fun, but I still do love it. There are so many things about being the third generation on our farm that I wouldn’t give up. Here are some reasons why I love being on the farm.
I love the challenge and how every single day is unique and has new duties. When I worked a few jobs and internships I always felt constrained. Don’t get me wrong, they were great companies to work with but it wasn’t my thing. I missed being my own boss, I felt an intense sense of pressure and anxiety having someone as my boss. I dreaded disappointing anyone and it absolutely crippled me from flourishing in that work environment. I am able to thrive on the farm working with my parents and being my own boss. Every day I am thankful that I can work here and the gifts God gave me can be used the way they’re supposed to be.
I feel like I am making a difference. Feeding the world makes me feel accomplished. I feel like I make lives better everyday. By working hard and making safe, high quality food I am feeding people across the country and the world. This makes the job so fulfilling.
I love the family heritage that farming creates. On a given day I can work with my Grandfather, my parents, my husband and my brother within an hour. I love that. I want to raise my children out around the farm with my husband and I. My parents worked very hard but they were always around. Watching them, they set an amazing example of hard work and a successful marriage. It is not always easy, but I want my children to have that.
I feel like even today I am still just a little girl with big dreams that loves animals. I am always trying to think of ways to be a better animal caretaker, a better family member, a better business owner and a better woman. I want to be someone that can be looked up to and I feel like I can do it on the farm with my family supporting each other.
You are right, it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. I too fought having to do stuff on the farm when I was younger because it interfered with “my plans.” But, when it comes down to it, the good by far out way the bad. Ag life is something special.
The good really does outweigh the bad Lacey! The struggles are completely worth it and the life is beautiful.