Spring on the farm is my favorite season. Winter is slowly being put behind us and all the promise of summer is ahead. This winter I was cooped up in the house so I am itching to get back outside and working on the farm.
The farm sign that is near the driveway at my family’s dairy farm.
I have been trying to get outside at least a few days a week. It’s strange that although things are mostly the same, they are also different. It’s all the little things. I don’t know every single cow in the barn and most of their history.
I don’t know each and every detail of what goes on during the day since I still spend the majority of my day caring for our daughter. For the first time in my life, I don’t know how to feed bottle calves. Right after I had Calli they changed how they fed and I haven’t done it since then.
I have a ton of catching up to do this spring, but I am excited to get there. With spring comes a whole new growing season and with our little one it will be the best summer yet. To celebrate National Ag Week I am thinking about what the future holds for us. Our 4th generation is going to have her first summer on the farm and that is what I am most excited about.