Note from Ashley: I have realized I didn’t make clear how I feel about our new president. I think it changes how people view my post. I did not vote for Trump. It’s irrelevant who I voted for other than that. That being said, I do not think anyone deserves to be called stupid because of a decision. In addition, I do not condone any hate speech regardless of which side you are on. I fear for my friends who fall into a minority category or multiple. I understand what has frustrated my fellow rural residents and why they voted the way they did.
To say that this election cycle has been interesting is an understatement. One of the things that has upset me the most is how we have treated each other. I have heard and seen some of the nastiest things since high school. But the thing that made me the angriest is what I heard the media saying on election night.
The media was stunned at what was happening. They never in a million years saw Donald Trump winning. Which to be frank, I didn’t expect it either. The rural voters came out in droves to choose who they thought should run the country. I don’t necessarily agree with the choice but at the same time I didn’t really like any of the candidates. Putting my personal thoughts aside, I still think the rural voters got completely railroaded by the popular media.
Last night all the media could talk about was how they couldn’t believe this was happening and it was the uneducated, rural population that was voting. Well let me tell you I am one of those “uneducated” people living in a rural area.
I have 2 degrees from a Big 10 school, traveled the country and the world, and I choose to live in Rural America. I have friends that live in our area who have degrees from various elite universities. Calling us an uneducated group of people is exactly the way this election should not have been summed up. Some of the most successful people I know have a high school diploma at the most. This election was full of assumptions and prejudice against people they don’t know. Then the media continues to call the deciding population uneducated. This just completely blows my mind.
The people in rural America are small business owners, farmers, hard-working blue-collar people. We are the people who are affected every day by the decisions that politics makes. We are the people that watch these news shows every single day. We are the people in what’s called flyover states because we don’t matter. Only the East Coast and the West Coast matter, right? Yet we are the people that decided this election. Then they still continue to demean us and make us feel like we don’t matter.
I am so happy this election is done. Now we just accept what has happened and we move on and make the best with what we have. However, I still think it’s completely unacceptable to demean the blue-collar people in this country. We are the people that make this country run every single day and we deserve more than to be grouped into this population called uneducated.
For me Trump lost me with his nasty name calling attitude. Then the bus audio confirmed what I thought of him. Then there were the lies. He just couldn’t seem to stop himself from lying..and still doing it. I totally believe the Virgin Airline owner whom trump asked to lunch a few yrs back and the entire time Trump ranted and raved about getting even with some investors that wouldn’t give him loans when he was about to bankrupt. Said he’d pend the rest of his life getting even. Then I read several of the lawsuits that small business owners brought against him for not paying. He took down many small businesses and put them into bankruptcy. His company would offer them half of what he owed them or tell them they’ll get nothing and they couldn’t afford to fight him. Can you imagine going after trump in a court of law? One case was finalized this year. He owed them 30,000 and fought them till there attorney bill was 300,000. Trump lost and the judge ordered him to pay the 30,000 plus the 300,000 attorney bill.
What about those millions he says he’s given to charities. Not one charity could find or say they ever got money from him. That’s only the tip of the many reasons I don’t think he will lead this country to better things.
I whole heartedly agree.
Agreed !! /But why did mainly rural America vote for him, didn’t they see what he was like? Alpparently not and that leads to a conclusion that they are not very good thinkers, have low morels, or are somehow on the take from the Republicans. Why would anyone elect a kindergarden bully, a woman groper, and cheat? It is very hard to appreciate those who voted for him. Yes they are hard works, but so are those who voted otherwise. Are their views because they don’t have to interact with people who are different ethically, religiously, or racially from them as people in large cities do? Yet many of them voted for Obama; how do you figure that? It couldn’t be because of the “swamp” in Washington! The Republicans haven’t earned their keep there! How can intelligent people vote 56 times to defeat the ACA, and not have a replacement to “sell”. And what about all the state’s laws restricting black voters from voting and LGBT rights is unforgivable and unchristian! This country is going backwards not forwards. We don’t seem to have a better tomorrow – what do we give our children and grandchildren! Trumpology??
I wonder how Trump supporters, who strongly voiced that they are tired of their tax dollars being spent on minorities, and overseas, feel about his comment that we should let China have the ship that they confiscated. Seems to me that such an action would be contrary to their views. Trump will get us deeper into war, because of his lack of foreign policy expertise and because wars create jobs at home.
I have to agree with you there. Personally, I think they need to take his Twitter away. He’s like a teenager who tweets anything on his mind without a thought of what it means being the PEOTUS.
I am totally irked that we are now a laughing stock to the world. Neother party gave us a candidate that is worth a darn. Surely we can do better than either Trump or Clinton!
What disturbs me about that perception is based on what and whose perception and judgement? Laughing stock compared to what governments? I still would rather live nowhere else in the world. There are plenty of governments with their own problems as well as countries that are absolute nightmares to live in. So they can laugh all they want.
I just hope that Trump won’t disappoint those who voted for him. I don’t know that he will be able to bring jobs back to the US; jobs that should never have left in the first place. I worry that he will ignore environmental concerns in order to push the ability of corporations to do business, and the only people to benefit will be big business owners and investors. I have not seen the “trickle down ” theory ever work. I truly hope that rural American won’t be left as bad off as it claims it was before the elections. I lived in rural America for 2 decades. THe cost of livign was so much lower than in the City. I worked full time yet was able to be with my family much more than in the City. Yet, the class and racial divisions were much worse. People came to our town after selling their Los Angeles homes and were able to build McMansions. They came with BA degrees and were a big fish in a small pond and help to perpetuate a class system that did not favor the blue collar worker. Just saying.
I’m a woman who voted Trump. HRC has taken millions from sharia supporting muslim countries where women have no rights, she should have never considered that. Plus they murder anyone who is gay. They murder Christians. She believes in partial birth abortion, look it up on u-tube, it is brutal. She says it’s because of the women’s health, that’s not true. Cesarean is for that. A full term baby should have rights, not have it’s brains sucked out. She is no champion of women, but Trump is.
I watch the right channels, plus I research. Read papers, magazines, watch cable plus network. Easy to tell Fox is fair and balanced. The main stream media was campaigning for Clinton, they blew up every thing Trump did, exaggerated things as time went by, & lied. Why didn’t they tell the horrid things about Hillary? If voters knew half of what she said & did to women, let alone the American people over the years, most everyone would have voted Trump. What about H. A., HRCs right hand women, her family is the biggest supporter, backer of sharia law in the WORLD, H. worked with them. H. should not be allowed in our WH. Weiner is just a front for her way into the WH. Why do you think all the republicans protested about her? Media covered up for HRC and ruined DJT on purpose. This country is
going to be fine, it’s going to be GREAT AGAIN! Please do not worry, we are so blessed HRC did not get in.
Cris, You are the ugly American that so many of us vilify. The writer of this article got it right. Then there is you…the nasty arrogant Christian with the agenda to shove down everyone throat because you are so convinced there is no other way but yours.
Fox news is fair and balanced!? Lmao.. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Wow.
I believe the polls “seemed” wrong (much to the `embarrasement` of [pro] reporters) as not all Trumpsters wore emotion on their sleeves. Trump rallied How Many Times – his disdain for Obama blabbing USA business in Iraq etc to the world? In essence he spoke to his supporters to not blab Their business. Clinton camp couldn’t Begin to imagine the enormity of Trumpster support. So! The polls appeared skewed egh? That strategy worked well (them dumb rural voters you know). Clinton camp had NO handle on their devious work to be done as Trumps fan base could not really be realized. Looking back – Clinton camp had much much more vote tampering to do and probably should have rigged every single vote machine across the cou try to score the big win. (Yes – I am rural)
I think our President Elect is more to blame for the rural label of uneducated than the media. Can’t you remember when he announced how he loved his support from the uneducated? He started it and the media took it from there.
In my humble opinion, Hillary Clinton lost the Election because the Main Stream Media Lied about all the polls. They all reported that Clinton was ahead, never behind..If they had told the truth more voters might have voted…
Maybe Republicans turned the tide by claims to vote with Clinton to change the poll results. Maybe it was retribution from all the Democrats that switched their party to vote for Trump only to get him on the ticket against Clinton? I personally did not answer a poll, but my Democrat neighbor did vote Trump in the primary to cheat the system. I’m glad it got handed to cheaters.
Yes – I believe they not only lied (collectively) + put that with stupid and “you don’t always get what you want”. I’m still chuckling.
That is why it is so sad that people wait to be told what reality is. I don’t believe in polls and I don’t believe the media. I saw with my own eyes what the truth was regarding voter support. I saw how there were tens of thousands of people at Trump’s campaign stops, and I also saw the trickle of people at Clinton’s. I saw how they had to bring in an audience (by busloads) to hear her speak, while people who waited all day couldn’t get in to hear Trump speak because they were over the limit. This was happening at every stop- all over the country. Therefor, I was not surprised one bit on Election Day….
Amen! Thank you for voting and thank you for sharing your heart!! From another one of you and supporting you ~ Cindy
My 92 yr old Baptist deacon uncle thinks Trump is a comparable figure to Jephtha, Judges 11. The Lord doesn’t always use those with the most upstanding of reputations, instead, He uses those that can deliver his plan. Mary Magdalene was a lady of the night if you recall.
No, Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. Pope Gregory combined three different women in the Bible to come up with the story of Mary as a penitent sinner. There isn’t a single Bible passage that identifies Mary Magdalene as a prostitute.
The term that I heard uses was ‘voters without college degrees’. I don’t recall hearing the term ‘uneducated voters’ or ‘rural uneducated voters’ and if either of those terms were used then it shows the degree that whoever used those terms don’t understand people. I watched CNN, which I thought had the best coverage, and Fox and didn’t hear those terms. I live in a small college town in Missouri and know plenty of people here who have degrees in various subjects. The problem that I have with these locals ( I’ve only been living here 15 years) is what I heard them saying as the election was being called for Trump. That was…” it’s ok to say N****** again!!!” and “Now, Trump will deport all the N^^^^^^s and Wetbacks, and goddam Muslims”. Education is not a product of where you live, it’s how you think and act. Since election night, there are reports of white supremacists attacking Minorities around the country in the name of Trump. That is what bothers me.
Yes Rich, I agree, that is really bad, and it concerns me, I heard some of the same going on in other places. I’ve only heard of protesting and marching, no rioting or harm to people or property, is that true where you are?
On the other side, Clinton, liberal side the numbers are huge and the protesting is destroying towns and properties. Plus people are being hurt and threatened.
I know MSNBC used the phrase….over and over and over again.
Yes this bothers me as well!
Wow. I live in the Deep South, have all of my life, and have never heard anyone utter such statements. Everyone I know who voted for Trump did so mostly because they despise Clinton and because they think Trump can bring more jobs to the country. I live in Alabama and haven’t heard anyone I know say anything like that. Racists are everywhere though I suppose.
Well, as a “liberal elitist,” I can certainly agree with you, that “uneducated” is a bad choice of words. In the demographic statistics (which everybody is poring over with fine-toothed combs right now) it’s just shorthand for “doesn’t have a college degree.” Which itself is no insult, and no defect in character. But you’re right — they could have chosen a better word to express that, because “uneducated” sure _sounds_ like an insult.
And you’re right — I wasn’t paying attention. Honestly, it wasn’t until a few weeks before the election that I started becoming aware of some of the social crisis that’s hitting parts of rural America especially hard. The opioid epidemic, the joblessness, the rising incarceration rate, the collapse of families; and the ultimate connection between all that and the shifting economy.
Trump, of course, saw that, and saw what people were afraid of and what they were angry about. I have to give him that.
But that’s not how it played out for us. To us “city folk,” he came across as a bombastic buffoon, who was telling us that our Mexican friends and neighbors and family couldn’t be trusted; and that our Muslim friends and neighbors and family couldn’t be trusted. I have perfectly wonderful, peaceful, black friends who are stopped by the police AT LEAST once a week for “driving while black,” and I watch videos of innocent unarmed black people being shot and beaten by police who are never held accountable; but what comes out of Trump’s mouth is only that people need to show more respect for the police. His disrespect and disregard for women is legendary.
He lied, and got caught in lies. He cheated people in business, and bragged about it. He seemed essentially knowledge-free about world affairs. Instead of having a cool temperament, essential for a world leader, he angrily tweeted childish insults to people who wrote critical editorials about him; like some pissed-off little 7th-grader. He insinuated that he might not concede the election if he lost!
So, while a lot of people saw Trump as somebody who spoke to their concerns, and “spoke his mind,” a lot of other people saw him as ignorant, immature, bigoted, and somebody with no real plans in place. They saw the “speak his mind” bit as just a con to avoid talking about any real issues.
So, we missed the connection. We missed the fact that people are angry about a changing world that they feel left out of. All Trump had to do was connect with that sentiment, and none of the rest of his flaws mattered.
I still think he’s a con man and a swindler. I think he’s good at saying what people want to hear, to get himself into positions of power. Looks like it worked. I’m sorry to say it, but now that he’s got the White House, I don’t think he gives a flying flapjack about what you think. I hope I’m wrong.
Meanwhile, a lot of people on my side of the “aisle” have a lot to learn about the values of rural America. We missed that. That’s on us.
And at the same time, I am going to guess you’re not a racist xenophobic misogynist. So I expect you to hold your new president’s feet to the fire if and when he says racist, xenophobic, misogynistic things, or tries to enact (or enable) racist, xenophobic, misoginystic policies or activities. I know I will.
Believe I will hold his feel to the fire. I realize now that I did not make my beliefs clear enough in my post. I did not vote for Trump. I have been quite vocal about how much I hate him actually. I hate everything he stands for regarding inequality. The point of my post was not who I voted for. My point was that regardless of voting for him I do not think anyone is uneducated for stupid. I think everyone deserves the right to not be grouped like that.
I definitely have a lot of fear regarding what is going to happen in our country now.
I guess he should have handled things like Hillary and just killed off his opposers and threatened them and berate the abused like she did her husbands accusers. I live in “rural America” born and raised here and have a college education. I’m not a deplorable as Hillary called us,nor am I an uneducated as CBS and NBC new called us. My husband is a hardworking blue collar auto worker and is tired of seeing people lose job after job because of NAFTA. This country cannot take another 4 years of tax oppression and climbing insurance rates which now are over $1,300 per month in this area. Nor do they like how she treated military and those in Benghazi. 5They were insignificant to her. She is a lying social climbing two faced woman who isn’t for women but her own selfish needs. Pathetic!! That’s why rural America didn’t vote for Hillary.
The media has taken the path that all cops are in the wrong while all the minorities are in the right. I saw Obama and his staff more or less encourage that take on our society. When riots erupted, nothing was being done to protect property loss, beatings, etc. that was shown on television and you wonder why rural America fought back. America is the land of the free and yet you expect “white” people to set back and accept such behavior. Call me uneducated or whatever but I want to live free. I don’t want people taking things, destroying things, etc., with no repercussions and thinking it’s there right. Now before you say I’m something I’m not, I’ve had black friends, Latino friends and others that I love like family. Get a handle on the fact that if you want change, it won’t come by forcing people to accept your way only! It will come by be decent honest, law abiding citizens who accept the fact that we are different and do not expect everyone to think their way.
Very well written. I’m not from the same side of the isle as you but respect your comment… I am the deplorable, uneducated rural kind… I have found that to find an unbiased news channel, (well you can’t). But many of us deplorable uneducated rural folk don’t watch CNN or fox. We heard of all the corruption on Clinton on other news sights, DRUDGE for one example… We became tired of being told what to think all day long… Just give us the facts and we deplorable uneducated rural folk can come up with our own conclusions… So many scandalous things, too many to mention… I would not trust he with keeping my enemies safe, yet alone my future… I did appreciate your comments and concerns.
I would not trust HER. Typo correction
He is your president too…How about giving him a chance to lead… The people have spoken.. Good or bad we had better all come together to make this nation one that follows the laws.the security, and the majority needs of the good people of the USA… We cannot be all things to all people…..
It seems to me that nothing has changed. Before the election Trump supporters were seen as people that were intolerant of other races and cultures regardless of the facts. Hillary supporters had blinders on and refused to see the corruption, scandals and misdealings of HRC in both her political and professional endeavors.
I have no problem with immigration into this country’ when it’s done legally. I do have a problem with illegal immigration. If people wish to enter this country to improve their quality of life, do it legally, and when you get here assimilate to the way things are done here. Read, write English. You say you are coming here to have a better life God bless you. Keep this in mind if I wanted to live outside of the US in would learn the customs and courtesies of that nation. Why should we have to change to accommodate you, and if you are here illegally why should we be expected to finance your endeavors. We do not take care of our own yet the government wants us to foot the bill for illegals. As for middle eastern refugees this nation has spent trillions of dollars fighting for them in their countries. They don’t want to help or fight for themselves that’s on them. We have many many issues and problems here in our own country. I believe charity begins at home. Let’s take care of our own first them help where we can. As for Trump winning and Hillary losing SUCK IT UP. If Hillary would have won Trump supporters would be in the same boat now as Hillary supporters are now. When President Obama was elected Twice the other side did not riot or destroy things. Lastly Mr. Trump you said what you would do if elected. Well you were now deliver on your promises.
So what your saying is Hillary Clinton is who you would of preferred to be the president? Have you researched any of her behavior ? The first three members of Donald Trumps administration team include a woman , a gay immigrant and a black guy how raciest was that ? They said the first thing he’s doing is going to each and every state that he won in to thank them , That doesn’t sound like a man that doesn’t care about what we think to me !
No, I didn’t say that either.
Rural life is the best! It’s where we still say yes mam and no sir, thank people and say you’re welcome, have great respect for our elders and love God and family! I am not college educated, but I am from Acadian descent, which means I have strong Christian values and strong work values. We roll up our sleeves and get the job done! I am from rural SW Louisiana where our main source of income comes from the oil industry, farming, cattle industry and seafood industry, which are all back breaking jobs. All of these industries have been threatened by our current administration. Hillary would have completely destroyed our economy. Those that want to make us all dependent on solar power are ‘ignorant” to the fact that it takes petroleum products to make this world go round. Petroleum is not just simply fuel for our vehicles, it’s 90% of the “smart car”, cell phones, buttons – all plastics, it’s fuel to warm our homes, etc. Louisiana has been devastated by the Obama administration. Hopefully Mr. Trump can bring back our jobs. And by the way, these jobs are performed not in the comfort of an office cooled in the summer and heated in the winter. They are jobs performed in 100+ summer temps with 100% humidity and cold, damp winters, most with 12 hours days.
Well said Debbie. I live in Wyoming and the Obama administration has taken the coal industry, oil and gas, and agriculture all but shutting it down. Family’s homes are going into foreclosure, people are moving, husbands and wives are having to travel 100’s of miles for work, because of financial struggles families are splitting up, etc..These things are happening because the current administration wants all people to rely on the government in order to take full control of the United States and it’s citizens. I to am one of the deplorable, uneducated rural people, and I stand firm that America will be great again.
Have finally figured out that when a liberal says ‘uneducated’, they’re not disparaging my three college degrees.
What they really mean is that I refused to be indoctrinated with their liberal crap worldview, i.e., not drinking the Kool-Aid of Saul Alinsky.
I so agree with you. I live in Oregon and have been on the West Coast my whole life except for a decade in Mo. Where is found the education level fromElementary school where my son went and Junior High where my daughter went to college where I went ( my 3rd. College) for Nursing to be light years ahead of the West Coast schools on every single level. I married a fantastic guy from extreme rural Oregon who never went to college and was lucky to get through high school. He is smart, kind and a very hard working logger who loves God and his family very much. We are one of the news people who are the uneducated who whole heartedly voted for Trump and Pence and we are so excited about the future, we are giddy The truth of the matter is that GOD performed a major Miicle her in the entire USA and people should know that! Color this family HAPPY ??✝✝
It’s interesting that there’s a large disconnect here in the parallels of stereotyping “the other side”. Much of the echo in this comments section groups together all democrats as liberal elites, lazy college students, and indoctrinated progressives who don’t know what hard work really feels like. Many of the folks responding are failing to realize that they are displaying some of the very same behaviors that are being reprimanded throughout this post.
Just as people from rural America and the Midwest are not uneducated hillbillies, racists, bigots, etc; neither are all city-dwellers on the left pampered, spoiled brats who have coasted through life. We all (as humans) have brains that absorb experiences and information throughout our lifetimes. We are all shaped by our families, our surroundings, and our hardships. We all have preferences that fall on the spectrum between completely justifiable and seemingly instinctive.
I was born and raised in Wisconsin to a struggling middle-class family. To date, I am the only person from my family with a college degree. My grandparents worked in factories and on printing presses. They enjoyed woodworking, hunting, and spending time with their families. When I was growing up I had an interest in exploring educational opportunities, and I pursued those opportunities. My sister, on the other hand, did not have that same interest in going to college. She opted instead to learn a trade and makes her living based on that option. I live in a very socially progressive area by choice, but this place did not make me who I am. I came to this place because the values and opportunities here align with the things I want and believe in. The point is that there is no black and white. It’s not hard-working, uneducated, rural families versus college-indoctrinated liberal elites looking for handouts. There is nuance to every human being and how their lives and situations have taken shape. I think the venom that is spat between these two imaginary sides is disheartening, as it generalizes people and creates a team mentality. It’s a microcosm of the shitty two-party system that causes people to ‘pick a team’ whether or not you agree with what your team stands for.
The final point that is overlooked with Trump being elected as president is this, and in many ways it applies to Hillary, too. We don’t get to cherry-pick from the values and policies promoted by the candidates we vote into office. Whether or not Trump can actually change the system remains to be seen, and I don’t think it’s realistic to expect any one politician or president to come in and overturn a system that is fully entrenched and has been for decades. That said, along with promises to “drain the swamp” comes attitudes and policies that roll back rights and social acceptance for people that are different from you. You can’t say give us the changes in fiscal policy and job promotion, while ignoring the hatred and disrespect shown toward disabled people, women, minorities, and people with different sexual preferences. You can’t select the job creation he’s promised, and subsequently opt out of the long-term environmental damage that would result from his proposed policies on disregarding the EPA and having climate-change deniers in his cabinet. It’s a package deal, and both parties have to take responsibility for the successes and damages done by their favored candidates.
We’ll see what types of changes Trump and the republican congress make during their time in office. I would be weary of the empty promises that drove some of you to vote for him, though. It appears that some of those “swamp dwellers” that many Americans despise are being tapped to fill out his cabinet of advisors. Likewise, it seems that his vitriol for the corporate elite was adopted without many supporters realizing that he IS one of those people. He hasn’t been disadvantaged like any of us who come from average American families. And I don’t expect him to really understand people enough to empathize with and help them…
Thank you!
I believe the phrase came about originally from Trump at a primary rally in Nevada. He specifically said “I thank all mt Uneducate voters and I like my uneducated voters”. Check back on the videos from his rally’s in Nevada. So e is the one who started the phrase.
He was talking about the media pin pointing out certain identifying factors of voters ! CNN was the first to review the identifying information about voter’s and talked about uneducated white women , uneducated white men ect etc and that Trump was getting a large number of votes from certain categories of people , putting people in categories is in a way being racist . Americans voted , not nationalities , color religion . …..AMERICANS VOTED . ……AMERICANS SPOKE . ……….IN AMERICA we are all one equal vote , have respect for one another , every 4 years we vote . ….only one winner can emerge ! Your fellow AMERICANS out voted your choice , grow up and deal with it ! ! Democracy worked as it should ! ? God bless us all ! ! !
Actually, someone had tweeted that all Trump supporters were uneducated, so Trump retweeted it and used it in his rallies, saying “I love the educated!” He did the same thing with Hillary’s bigoted statement that all his supporters were deplorable, irredeemable, racist, sexist, bigot and islamophobic. So, the “deplorables” took over the power in that label, thereby removing its power. When millions of people are being labeled to shame them, intimidate them, oppress and silence them, their best defense is to take that label and own it. People in the Black community have historically done the same thing with the labels used on them, they take those labels and use them with each other, to diminish the power that those labels initially held over them.
Because the media said it, they said that is who he is drawing to his conventions. He played on it, Just like when Hillary called them deplorable,, and when she belittled the Bernie voters and belittled Catholics, Christians, the American people as a whole. But the liberal media didn’t broadcast that knowledge or share her nasty comments, because they were campaigning for Hillary.
I am also part of the rual uneducated people in this world that voted for Mr. Trump. At 16 I earned a certificate of proficiency from Oakdale High School in Oakdale California and went to work in the underground utility industry. I was married just shortly after turning 19. High school was my only professional education. At the age of 23 I studied and was successful at getting my own General Engineering Contractors License. The very next year I started Mountain Valley Construction. I took my savings and paid cash for my very first Peterbuilt dump truck and Case backhoe. At the age of 35 I sold my successful construction company after performing projects all over the United States. I had 95 employees and 120 pieces of equipment on the road everyday. I bought my first ranch in Fallon Nv. And farmed several hundred acres of alfalfa hay and raised thousands of head of meat goats and cattle. At 36 I invented and patented the Sticker Stalker weed hoe. A tool used for pulling noxious weeds. While ranching full time and selling my weed hoes to hardware stores all over the USA I decided to go back to work after being sought after by the State of Nevada Department of Transportation. I spent several years there as the Assistant Chief of the Right-of-Way Division handling all of the utility related work state wide. Recently After selling my ranch and auctioning everything off I moved to Indiana and took a job with the State of Indiana Department of Transportation as program Director. My wife and I are currently moving into our 5800 sq ft. Home in the country and enjoying life. I am very proud to be part of the rual uneducated that has contributed to society and I have never taken a free handout of any kind. I love this country where you can built your very own American Dream and be as successful as you choose to be.
ASHLEY, you wrote a wonderful little missive.
So why is a rural person deemed to be uneducated??? I’m rural. We’re 3,500 people in my village. And, I have my own teeth! Oh, and I am a ridiculously expensive network engineer consultant that travels off this hill to deal with clients. (Not that I advertise that fact).
I CHOOSE to live my life with my wife and with with the people in my town that are genuine, have their own skills, talents and education (college, trade school or school of HARD knocks) that i can rely upon to be my friend where i can help them in times of need and vice-versa. We can talk, be friends and NOT let general politics get in the way. (we do have some fragile snowflakes – every town does) but we get on ver well here.
I do not get some of those “big city” twerkers that think they know more than my friends, neighbors and colleagues. The big-city nut jobs will NOT give dime one or a hand to anyone, however, they expect everyone else to ‘make things better’.
I’m offended by many things said by so many on FB, yet i generally keep my mouth shut. Unless, of course, I find someone that won’t blast me out of the sea for being a Libertarian.
Hmm, it’s too bad the folks commenting on this are saying the things they are. I live in the Midwest, but I’m a city dweller, a liberal I suppose. I don’t think me or my friends go around saying people who live in rural areas are idiots or uneducated. Where do you think we grew up? I lived in a suburb. I went to my grandma’s house as a kid, in a rural area, only to watch as a development spread up around it. My other grandparents lived even further out, and I loved visiting their lake house. My whole family comes from small towns in rural MN. So do all my friends, they visit their families all the time in rural MN or WI. Some of you seem to think we are crazy robots or come from space or something. You chose to live where you are, we chose to live in the city. I still love where I grew up, I have many fond memories.
The issue is, I don’t understand how people can support Trump. You might have just assumed I am white from everything I just said. Well, my mom’s side was so sure, I’m half white. But my other half immigrated here from abroad. I am the child of an immigrant. My dad worked 3 jobs to provide for us. My mom’s family was resistant to a Muslim husband. But they loved me and my brothers, and we loved them. Soon they came to realize there was nothing to fear. Sure, we believed some different things, but we were family and I was raised to be a decent human being. So when I see people support this terribly xenophobic and fear mongering candidate, I don’t think you realize what this means for people like me or other folks who face even worse than me (because let’s be honest, I’m only half white so I don’t really experience the kind of hate and racism others do).
Stop thinking we are so different from each other. You have loans. I have loans. You have children. I’m having my first child. You are trying to feed your family. I am trying to feed my family. You live in the beautiful woods. I live on a beautiful street next to wonderful people.
You don’t need to have liked Hillary and you even can support some of the promises Trump made. But by voting for him, you also condone all the hate, vitriol, sexism, and racism his rhetoric has generated. That makes me scared. I don’t think I will really feel much change, but others will and there will be long term effects from this.
I know this will get lost amongst the noise here, but that’s OK. Maybe one of you will read this and perhaps, just a little, find some empathy with people whom you thought were so different from you.
Thank you! I felt the same way reading this article. I am a white female- but also a long-time teacher who worked in a district where the families spoke 25+ different languages in their homes. People are afraid- and have a right to be. Attacks against the “other” among us are being documented all over the country since the election results were known. I live in the suburbs, where many people proudly still display their Trump signs. It’s not just rural areas. Anyone who supported Trump knew exactly what they were getting. He’s not exactly subtle about all the hate! Rural areas may have gotten a bad rap about this, but when their vote totals went heavily for Trump, it’s not entirely undeserved. If you are going to support such a man, you have no right to be surprised when people assume that you agree with him. Hate is ugly, and has no place in our multicultural country. Everyone deserves to be safe and respected. A vote for Trump was a vote to strip safety and respect from many fellow citizens, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
We’re a big complicated country. There are wonderful rural and small-town folk. There are some people there who have limited experience with people not like themselves and who consume too much hateful right-wing media. And there is a lot of that.
Very well said.
I grew up on a farm in PA, lived in NYC and Tokyo. Hillary was out of touch with rural and blue collar America and she also was the pawn of George Soros who is pushing the New World Order. Hillary’s campaign was run on emotion. That’s why all the Snowflakes are melting down. A big part of Donald’s campaign was focsed on calling out the BS in Washington and his message that we need to “take back America” and MAGA resonates with a large majority of Americans. Particularly those in rural areas who have a self-sustenance, independent mindset and a way of life. Letting globalism take over our country is a sure path to hell. That’s the path Obama had us on and Hillary would have fast-tracked it. It needed to be stopped. And deep down, Americans recognize that is something we believe Donald Trump has the capability to stop. I don’t think he’s going to bully Americans. I believe he will put Americans first. But he will tell the rest of the world he’s not messing around and they can pound sand and that’s the tone he set throughout his campaign. The exit polls are valuable to observe.
Are you people really starting to believe your own lies? Blame the media if you want someone to blame for all of that. The campaign drug out for 17 months and there was never a single credible accusation of racism against Trump. Nobody ever stood up and said “Trump called me a nigger”, or “he fired me because I was a Mexican.” So I really don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s 70 years old, and has been a public figure most of his life, and if no one can find a single thing that he has done that is racist, well just what are you people talking about? This is just calumny.
I am not a Trump supporter. I think they should both be in prison and I voted third party, that doesn’t mean I won’t defend someone who is so unfairly maligned.
Miles, thanks for your post. I read your post and I care. I watched alot of both liberal and fox news so I could see for myself what was really being said and not taken out of context. There were so many people who came forward and talked of Trump, who really knew him, and how fair and good he has been to women and minorities. He does not hate them. You probably only saw what the mainstream media wanted to feed you. I am saddened that most of our media can no longer be trusted to give us the truth. I have been shocked to see the hate perpetuated by the media. They wanted you to feel how you do . They succeeded and it makes me sad for our country. True, the man is not a polished politician but he loves this country and will work tirelessly to make it a safe and prosperous home for all Americans, including you and your family. Take a deep breath, say a prayer and give this unpolished man a chance. You might be surprised.
I understand your fear, and I also share fears about the years to come. I live in rural Montana, in a town of 6,000 (relatively large for our state). But, I did not vote for Trump. However, I have lots of friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow churchgoers who I know did. I’m sure you’ve heard this a lot recently, but it’s worth repeating: most of those people voted for Trump despite his hateful speech and views, not because of it. People in a crumbling town like the one I live in not only prefer those “blue collar” jobs that Trump claims to support; they literally depend on those jobs for the survival of their families. In western rural America, federal overreach and regulation have devastating effects on the people I encounter everyday. There are some brutal battles being fought over here right now. So, being scared out of their wits to have a President who insists on implementing more environmental regulations, giving a bigger role to gov agencies, etc., many rural folk decided to vote for Trump. Is it because they believe that people of a different religion are actually dangerous? For most (like over 90% of them), no. But it’s hard for someone in a state with almost 150,00 sq mi of land, but just over one million people (almost entirely Caucasian) to empathize with the fear that diversity and security for people of color might disappear, because it’s something they’ve never had to worry about in the first place. Likewise, someone living in a thriving metropolis their whole life (or even a thriving suburb) would find it difficult to empathize with the notion that more gov restrictions could cause a coal plant to shut down, which could (and does) turn entire small towns into ghost towns. I’ve been privileged to live in both a big city (for MT, 70,000 people), and small towns (down to 100 people). Most folks don’t have those opportunities, and I’m saddened to see fingers pointed every which way instead of, like you suggested empathy. But, empathy needs to be a two-way street.
I love your words. They say so clearly how I feel. Thank you for your comment. ❤️
I understand that you work hard and live love and care for your family and friends. The fact that you are of the muslim faith I cannot condemn as ours is the same God. But after your typical day do you come home to the “NETWORK” news? Because to say that by voting for Trump is supporting all the hate sexism.racism that his rhetoric has generated is quite naive..As a person who neither voted Trump or Hillary I feel compelled to point out the fact that if you get past the network news and dig a little deeper into the other side of the ticket you have to realize that voting for the democratic nominee is condoning murder, treason, corruption, rape, and pedophilia. Do you think that the people who have died disappeared or were raped by the clintons (yes they come as a pair) . Such hypocrisy is what just blows my uneducated mind…(I.Q> 145 + or -10) I will acknowledge your right to your beliefs and opinions and even listen and research your claims (already have) about the president we as a country elected because he is simply not a politician,.which makes it at least a possibility he isn’t a bought off corporate puppet like almost all of the career politicians in D.C have proven to be. I don’t hate Muslims Blacks or anyone other than any who would bring harm to my family or this nation we share as americans. Be safe be well and if you are in danger from MY kind I would be between you and them defending your right to live as you like being a free, and LOYAL American citizen.
Well said!
Love this post. I am from “Rural America” but now living in the NJ Suburbs – I am surrounded with many people who don’t have a clue on what is important to those living in the rural parts of the country. There are assumptions made that the NE and West Coasts are indicative of the rest of the country – so crazy and so far from true. If the HRC supporters are up in arms over losing this election, maybe they should be turning their ire toward the media that led tham down the path that didn’t allow them to think for a minute that she might not win. Thank you rural America for having your voice heard this year – it was a refreshing turn of events this year.
I shared my feelings on Facebook election night about this after I kept hearing the uneducated, rural people/blue collar workers were swinging the election for Trump. They made me feel stupid and CNN commented this was a Whitelash against a black president.
I feel like the people in the media are living on a different planet. We don’t as a general rule categorize people in our communities. We have all sorts of people we work with, do activities with, and pray with.
In my opinion they have lost their sense of belonging probably spending time with only like minded people both at work and outside of work. They’ve lost their sense of pride of belonging to a great nation, a church, or organizations where people spend time together and build each other up. We rural Americans would take a bullet for our neighbor and stick together when the government makes poor choices and leaves us high and dry. If you ask me, they are missing out on the best life lessons anyone could hope to learn. Rural America stuck together to fight for change. Some college educated/some self educated. It doesn’t matter what kind of degree you have here with us, it comes down to common sense, morals, and integrity. It was time for a change. We are more than ready for it!
As a Christian, I could never vote for Trump. The core of Christian values is about loving all people and helping those in need. A major part of Trump’s campaign was about not helping refugees and those in need. As a Christian, I believe all people deserve the opportunity to a good life no matter where they are from.
I believe in pro-life from the cradle to the grave. That means helping those in need with social programs. Allowing those who love each other to marry even if they are gay, and no death penalty. God is the judge, not us. God will condemn, not us.
I gladly give money to help those in need!
I’m a Christian and I voted for Trump, a never Hillary voter!! She wouldn’t tell the truth if she had to. She is a user and abuser of Americans, taking in blood money of innocents, the unborn, Christians, men, women , children. As a Christian, how could you support her? I never saw a moment when she was sorry for anything. When asked if she always told the truth, she replied “I’ve always TRIED to tell the truth.” Another quote ” I’ve never received or sent classified emails on my server.” Lie! We have all told lies, depends on what one does with that action, do we repent, ask for forgiveness or do we continue lying? “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive!” My Mom taught me that growing up, I’m now 72, taught my kids that. We must take responsibility for ourselves and what road we travel in life. I chose life, His name is Jesus! Have a good day as Paul Harvey would say!!
Would you have voted for Saul?
Father Robert, So reading your letter, you didn’t vote Clinton either, right? Partial birth abortion, meaning up to the day before birth, and it happens every day in the USA. She voted for every time. And her right hand woman, who’s family is the biggest supporter of sharia law in the world and she use to work for and with them, and still does support them. Clinton who lies about lying. The media campaigned for Clinton and lied and blew up every little thing he said and did, made him sound 100 times worse than he is or ever has been. Clinton is truly not good for this country. Trump will make it great again, trust him, all will be good! Thank you and God Bless.
Absolutely the only network not stunned was Fox News. I am a proud American Woman from the hills of KY a Veteran and I too am far from uneducated. Holding a BS (no pun intended ) in Philosophy and a Masters in Emergency Management / a God fearing independent who voted for Mr. Donald Trump.
We MUST: See each other as God’s creation, STOP labeling others, Work together, Seek God, Return to HIM……and Pray. Donald Trump, has won. HE will need all the prayer we can say. The USA stands for The UNITED States of America. The last 8 years, and this election season, (The last 2 years) have intensely divided us!!
There’s a reason for the landslide victory and you will not hear it from the press. The people not the press are who this country belongs to.
There was no ‘landslide’ victory; there were fewer popular votes cast for Trump than were cast for Hillary. Many are schooled; few are educated.
Thank you!!!
How could you, as a woman, vote for a man with utterly no moral fiber. It’s simply inexcusable.
The same question could be posed that “how as a woman could you vote for Hillary with utterly no moral fiber? It depends on what you believe to be moral fiber perhaps. Both had way too many incorrible issues.
I as a woman, do not believe that I should ever vote for a man or a woman because of their gender, nor should I vote for either, because of mine.
You watched the wrong news stations. plus they are all apologizing for leading the country astray and the biased reporting they did. They covered up for Clinton and blew up everything Trump said and did. Clinton is deplorable past redemption.
I had student loans and if they could talk, they would say that I’m an educated person. My husband also had student loans. We both have jobs in a rural area with a master and bachelor degrees. I know farmers/ranchers that have doctorates.
A farmer generally owns equipment that costs upwards of $200k or more. Not only does he (generic He, it could be a woman as well but usually it’s a family) own this, he maintains it and repairs it himself. He/she owns land valued in the millions. They produce food and raw products that feed, clothe and house billions of people. Without this backbone in America and in every other country in the world, you would have mass starvation of homeless and cold, naked people. The farmer is the first in our line of defense for keeping the earth clean and healthy. No one is more invested in the health and welfare of animals than a farmer depending on it for their livelihood. Farmers are the first to notice when the earth is poisoned or the water or air. They see it in their crops and their livestock and in the health of their families before anyone else knows something is wrong. The farmer is the first to suffer when markets go down. The farmer is the budget expert because they get paid once a year and have to make it last. We could learn a lot from our farmers so DO NOT underestimate the value of rural America.
Amen to that..Great post.
You are so right but equipment now cost into the millions. The price of a new combine is $300,000.00 to $400,000.00.
Excellent! I grew up on a dairy farm, served in the military, and have sold farm equipment for 38 years. All those who talk against farmers, need to spend a year working on the farm. Perhaps they might gain some insight and not be so quick to criticize.
Thank you for your service to this great country!
Amen! Very well said!
Amen, I have a BS in Forestry/Biology and MS in Natural Resource Management. I work with loggers who have $3 million dollars worth of equipment. Yet I’m uneducated and they aren’t businessmen, at least in the eyes of the liberal elites.
Amen, wonderful post.
Exactly! Well said!
Wonderful comment. Thank you from an “uneducated” rancher.
If you ate a meal today, thank a farmer. We would be hungry without them.
Can’t wait for Trump to drive the Keystone Pipeline right through all of that livelihood.
Trump is not good for anyone. Healthcare reform and lower taxes are the only positive things anyone can talk about. But how will he lower taxes and accomplish any of the policies he’s proposed in his 100day plan? Meanwhile, minorities now struggle to fight for the rights we’ve just so recently won, and the environmental damage a Trump presidency will wreak is unprecedented.
I’m not calling anyone uneducated. But I will say that I am not happy that my rights and the safety of our planet were gambled away for the chance that Trump might be able to accomplish some good as he takes a sledgehammer to American Government/policy as we now know it.
Don’t forget about the parade!!!
Trump can’t lower His taxes any more than what he has. It’s all legal of course. If he lowers ours to match his, how in the world is this country going to run? He doesn’t have a clue as to how this government or any other is run. But God bless us all, he was voted in to the highest position this country has to offer. I haven’t heard him once say that he won because the election was rigged. How did that suddenly change? If it’s not all about him, it (we) just plain don’t matter….unless of of course we are a very attractive, white female that lets him paw us with his disgusting hands. AND, all the work that this country has done in recent years to stop bullying has just gone down the drain. He is the biggest bully of all. Really, what were (we) thinking????
What on earth are you talking about?
Thank you for providing some balance to these posts. I grew up in a small town, and consider myself from rural America, though I have lived in other parts of the world, and know in my heart that we are all the same human beings, some more evolved and wise than others, but there’s good and bad in all countries and societies, but Most people on the planet are good. And what Trump has done and now has the power to do is hurt many people, and that is what divides us. To vote for him has serious, and awful consequences, even though yes, we NEED change, what is the higher moral obligation? This risks far outweigh the chance that he can make positive changes, just my opinion, oh and I love the Heart of America, very good core values overall : )
Thank you for your post since I am from a small town that is nothing but about farming.
Amen to that!
A proud farmers’ daughter here <3
God bless the farmers!
You couldn’t of said it any better than that , One of the best post I’ve read !
You missed on your estimated equipment, Combines $400k Tractors +$150k, $2mm would be closer for a real farmer..
Well said!
The “First line of defense for keeping the earth clean and healthy…???” Why did they vote for this destroyer of the environment?? Have you even read his “First 100 days” statement? Re-opening Keystone alone is reason to grieve for the earth.
I respect FARMERS. My grandparents were farmers. My cousins are now farmers. If farmers did vote for this animal, they just didn’t listen close enough…
Amen, very well said
Let”s see how your Donald Trump handles your price supports that democrats have fought so hard for you to keep all these years, methinks your fondness for him may wane a bit then.
We do not have price supports or at least in dairy farming. We have a margin protection program in dairy farming, which is intended to act like insurance. Crops depend on paying for crop insurance.
I have three degrees, and am a college professor. I voted for Trump. I have more brain cells in my left toe than the entire leftist media has as a collective group. Thank you and you’re welcome.
Isn’t your generalization just as damaging as the generalization made about the rural community? Everyone needs to stop labelling. How about this; I’m a human person and I recognize the value of other human persons, regardless of where they live, what their education might be, regardless of what religion they choose to practice, regardless of their sexual orientation, regardless of their political orientation, regardless of any other way in which we use to separate ourselves. Let’s all start there and move forward with that truth of the value of the human person as our basic level of understanding.
Someone with an action plan anyone can be part of. Sounds good.
Thank you for your remarks!
You tell em!
Faith in God is what puts us “on the map”, not our education or lack thereof.
You are so right, I knew God was with us on this. He was just more or less “pruning” Mr. Trump. I feel so good about this. It is like a breath of fresh air. I have never been this excited about an election before. You and I are among many.
You can bet that “Faith in God” is not what puts your new president, “on the map.”
God is in control
This is one thing I know happened…and you are the first I have see that isn’t afraid to tell it like it is!!!
it’s also surprising to me that these “well educated” people do not know our history well enough to realize that the KKK was originally a Democratic organization. Or that a Republcan, Abraham Lincoln, wrote the “emancipation proclamation.”
I appreciate what you have to say here Kenny and I appreciate how you said it. It allowed me to read your comments as not being about politics, but about the media. Sensationalism is what the media is most interested in. Never mind the accuracy. The media has a lot to answer for in terms of what goes on in the world. The responsibility of the media should consider first and foremost the well-being of the community, be that local or global. We, the readers and the listeners, have a responsibility to be discerning about what is reported, and speak out when it is not good journalism, as you have done here.
Thank you for writing this! I’ve been struggling with how to articulate this same thing. Rural America is GREAT, and I CHOOSE to live here, with my education, and with my family. I want to raise another generation like this. And being labeled ‘uneducated’ was quite the slap in the face, after much time and consideration on this election. I voted for the person closest to what I believe in, and while it wasn’t my favorite choice, I feel it was the best choice for me, my family, and our country.
Of everything said about the election and during the election, I am most offended by the media’s description of rural white uneducated women…it is exactly like Hillary’s deplorables comment.
As a rural white woman with a Master’s Degree, this deplorable says, “screw you.” (cussing is a sign of intelligence) Get out of the city and out from behind your desks and cameras and come see what rural Americans are all about. And stop singling out the worst examples of rural America to represent us hard working rurals that have the privilege of living where we choose.
So well said! I, too, am a retired professional for the federal government who now owns my own business and shares some of my hard-earned revenue making my local community better! I’ve broken at least three “glass ceilings” for women in my government career. I am also a retired military wife who juggled her career and yet had time to take care of several hundred military families’ needs. I had first-hand experience trying to eliminate some of the corruption in Washington, DC! I voted for Trump. He was the better alternative.
Well said!
It is interesting to hear the media (and Hillary Clinton) referring to Trump supporters as “uneducated” and, in Hillary’s case, “deplorables”. Of course, the smugness with which they make those statements implies that THEY are of course among the “educated” and “informed”.
As an educator, I have been watching the “dumbing down” of American Education for years. Students in so many cases are socially “brainwashed” to the leftist assumptions, attitudes and stereotypes to the point where they lap up the liberal pablum hook, line and sinker. Some students rise above this, but so many are just content to go along with the indoctrination since it is easier and more socially acceptable to do so.
It has occurred to me that those who spout such cynical criticisms are, in a sense, indicting themselves. It is the “uneducated” who have learned from the hard knocks of experience and practical common sense. They have not been fed the liberal pablum beyond what they might have received in high school. They are the middle-class American workers who are the backbone of this nation and have experienced the consequences, first-hand, of liberal policies. They have strong values and are generally unselfish in comparison to the “educated elites” who look down upon them.
For an analysis of what is passing for “education” of many of our liberal journalists, read this :
You have wrote this with much understanding. I appreciate what you have said. Thank you, from a hair stylist.
Thank you for this post. Your job as a teacher in today’s culture must be a torment to your soul some days.
Yes! Well said!
I was an public school educator (elem ed) for 16 years. I am tri-lingual, and taught bilingual ed and Eng. as a Second Language to children from all over the world. I think I was the only ‘closet conservative’ in the four schools in which I taught. I learned to be very quiet in the lunchroom – for fear of being berated. I grew up as an only child of logical, pragmatic depression-era parents. I was taught to ‘think for myself’ and never to ‘give up my values.’ Thank God. I would NEVER put a child in a public school today. I’d take out a second mortgage on my home before I’d do that.
Why in order to impress others we demean people. It makes no difference if we are the “educated’, Indicating college trained or the ‘uneducated’ indicating less than college trained, ‘they.” are the culprit. Sorry it does’nt work that way. We are they!
Well said. They need safety pins and safe spaces. Come on.
I applaud you, Ashley. I agree with you. I live on the west coast, and these “open-minded” people are so closed-minded… it’s sick. I’m ready to move out of California. Anti-Trump Protesters are upset they didn’t get their second place, participation trophy. ? It’s sad. Rural area voters matter to me. You guys matter to me. I appreciate what you do, and who you are. The people that claim “uneducated”, rural people don’t count… those people would die without you. Don’t let their ignorance darken your day. They couldn’t grow a garden or milk a cow if their lives depended on it. They need you, they are ignorant Americans just like the political climbing crook who they voted for. They know no better. They were brainwashed by liberals and their college professors.
On a side note: The ignorant people must know nothing of what the founding fathers established this country on. To operate a self government takes the Golden Triangle of Freedom, which each founder understood and agree upon. We have a self government; governed within our own and not from a King or bureaucracy. Self government among the American liberty can not function without this: freedom and self government require virtue. Virtue requires Faith. Faith can not exist without Freedom. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington all understood this (Christian or non-Christian), and acknowledged we were capable of this. I’ll stop rambling…
Not rambling at all. I think yours is the most insightful comment I’ve come across this entire post-election. Thank you.
I, too, live in Rural America. However, I do not possess any sort of degree, I did not further my education after high school. I graduated among the top of my class and with honors. Just because I did not run out and pursue a degree does not mean I am “uneducated”, I simply do not have a degree to “prove” my educational worth. This term infuriates me, beyond belief. I have just as much knowledge in the Arts, Politics, Business, History, Foreign Affairs as any person with a college degree.
My mother graduated from Rice University, Cum Laude. SHE passed away at age 38, when I was 17, the oldest of 4 children. My dad needed me to stay home after graduation to assist in the rearing of my younger siblings. I was in the top 10. Always made all A’s. I managed to land a job with a wonderful large company on a construction site in an office when I was 23. Their policy was to promote from within and within 3 or 4 years, I’d propelled myself from a 5.94/hr job, into a 40k salaried role as a cost engineer. For years, I was never made to feel inferior for lack of a formal education. Not until recent years has the younger generation, so hell bent on separating the degreed and non-degreed, made me feel inadequate. I’d put my high school diploma up against whatever level of degree these ungrateful, impolite, unpatriotic leaches possess. They cannot carry my book satchel! Sorry, I know they are called back packs now, but I’m old on top of everything else. I appreciated your post and wanted to reinforce to you, there are more of us out here than you know. P.S. My husband has 2 degrees (our county” Ag agent) and he didn’t considerate me too ignorant or uneducated to marry! Lol
Great post!!
I would say that you may have more knowledge in those areas than many who have a college degree…because you cared to go out and study and learn for yourself. For the record I have a Bachelor’s degree and my hubby has had one semester of college. Guess who’s making the money in our family? (It’s not me.) 🙂
I know of many college educated people who voted for trump. It was an easy decision I think because if you actually were not led by the nose and you researched facts the choice was very easy. Of the uneducated ones that i know voted for Trump, most are very wealthy because they built their own busniess up by hard work. Many are farmers, but quite a few are contractors and small business folk.
I too am offended by the assumption that rural USA (the Midwest) is filled with uneducated masses. I too have a master’s degree and I know for a fact that the doctors, lawyers, dentists and professors in the Midwest have doctoral degrees received not from the back of a cracker jack box, but from prestigious universities. On the other hand, I am happy that the people on either coast refer to us as “fly-over” states. It keeps them from landing here and finding out how great is our quality of life. If you don’t think I’m right…ask Colorado about their influx of Californians…
Oh you are so correct. I have a bachelor’s from University of Portland. I am the granddaughter of farmers, one with an 8th grade education and the other with a third grade education. Second generation American, as is my hubby. Deplorable I will accept but uneducated?? No way. Our son is in the Army Nat’l Guard, my Dad was in the Merchant Marine in WWII. my Dad and my brother had/have successful small businesses. These elites are clueless which is why they are so shocked that WE THE PEOPLE want real change.
Right on !!
That is SO great! God Bless you!!
Pretty sure the influx of Californians into Colorado is the reason Colorado is now a blue state.
Oh the California influx. Take this election hatred and turn it into your daily life as a native Colorado rural dweller.
That’s the liberal media letting their uneducated mouth show their ignorance
Why do you think the mountains of Colorado were blue on the election results map??? 🙂
Perfect! I live on the shores of Lake Superior and am well educated. All I can say is keep those a-holes out of my ‘God’s country.’ We don’t want them nor will we tolerate them.
I think you may have engaged in a little of the same kind of stereotyping that makes you unhappy. As a native midwesterner, educated by amazing schools and universities in the midwest, I understand and mostly agree with your sentiment. (I have to say, though, I am amazed daily by my farming and blue collar friends who contribute more to our society than my doctoral degree ever will.) I just wish we would all be more careful about making sweeping, and, sadly, smug stereotypes/indictments that can ensnare us when we make our rebuttals to opposing thinkers. (mostly, because we sometimes help enhance their misguided case for how provincial we are…hate when that happens!!)
Does your little jab about Californians invading Colorado Imply that people who may be moving their families from the states of their birth for better jobs, retirement, health reasons, to be closer to family, or just because we are a wonderfully free society, are somehow “destroying the way of life” in their adopted communities? As a fellow fly-over-stater, I think that may smack a little of the same “elite” rhetoric you disdain. I understand that states are suffering financially and culturally, The causes are surely complicated. But, I’m so proud that one of the best things we do in the Midwest is welcome each other “home.” (You guessed it: I was born in Iowa, lived in California, and moved to Colorado.) I don’t think I’m a burden to my friends here or to the community…at least, no one has suggested I should return to Iowa.
Isn’t it a blessing, Michele, that you and I live in places we love…regardless what our birth certificates say?!
Hey now! I came from California 13 years ago, l left because of the political bs and failing school system. I did my research Lincoln schools are great and pace of life better here but then I was raised in Texas and the Midwest has morals and manners. Kids are raised right here…So don’t fall into the liberal trap not all Californians buy into the west coast mentality …I whole heartedly agree with you about the media…take it from a former Californian Midwesterners are NOT uneducated and if the liberals and the media didn’t figure that out with this election well that’s too bad so sad for them…stay strong!
Way back in the 1970s there were a lot of bumper stickers reading, “Don’t Californicate Colorado.” They didn’t work.
I don’t think the media MEANT “uneducated”, I think they meant “un-indoctrinated”. The East/West coast elite (and urban demographics) cannot acknowledge the core values of the rural demographic…mainly because they don’t agree with it. They dismiss it, call us rednecks, uneducated and other insulting words to make them feel like they are superior. On the contrary, I think the rural folks showed up at the polls completely educated on their options and pulled the lever for the candidate that most closely represented their values. It appears they outsmarted the “educated” media, pollsters, pundits, and campaign directors. Who’s dumb now?
Very well said ! as a friend once put it “I resemble that remark”
That then, would indicate that the media may be the ones under educated, if they do not have clarity on the difference between “uneducated” and “un-indoctrinated”.
I believe you are right. The public indoctrination system, (aka public school) has very little to do with education anymore. Therefore, they now call un-indoctrinated folk uneducated.
They meant people without college degrees and/or high school dropouts.
Thank you.
The media was the “loser “, they still fail to recognize that fact. Main stream media isn’t smart enough to realize that people were disgusted with all of their rhetoric and their policies of “coloring ” the “news”. They didn’t think we were smart enough to figure it out. Outsmarted them all didn’t we!
If that is the case then they should have just said that. However most of us do own computers and we do look things up, so we know what’s going on!
WE ARE AMERICANS AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE!!! We also have voices that have been heard.
So, only the “uneducated” rural folks are to blame for Trump being elected. What about the millions of “educated” rural folks that voted for Trump, do they get a pass on how they voted. I have been called a deplorable, a racist, a masoginest (spelling?), stupid, and a lot more by folks that don”t know me from Adam, just because I voted for Trump. Yes I have a college education.
I have a college degree ,and I voted for Trump . So did the rest of my college educated family and my grandchildren currently in college at NC State.
I have also read this commentary from the Democrats, and several ads written by the Elitist Liberals. I also live in these Rural areas.
The people that live in these areas do have an education, many college graduates, that chose to live here. I believe the one common
denominator that most of us have in common is knowing what is right and wrong. we know that these candidates were far from being ideal, but we also know, that what we have for a government is not what the majority of people want.
I believe that the people from the heart of the country, voted Trump, to send a loud and clear message, that we are tired of the selfish, pay to play style we see over and over again. When both the Republicans and Democrats stood against Trump, that told me the two parties are covering up what is going on.
James, Parks, I think you are correct. Both political parties are not listening to the majority of the people in this country who are struggling and have been for more than a decade. The costs are going up, wages are stagnant or declining (if you even have a job) and no relief was in sight. Although I did not support President-elect Trump (I caucused for Bernie) I hope and pray that his election will put our people back to work, that corporations and Wall Street will have less influence and that above all we become a nation of listeners. To call a whole group “uneducated” just because they disagree with your opinion is unacceptable. Do not forget that corporations own and control most of the media in this country so they have a vested interest in the status quo. I think this vote was intended to shake that up and I hope it succeeds in doing just that.
Well said!
The uneducated are those out protesting in ugly ways post election, and those being pandered to while having meltdowns on college campuses.
Amen to that Harold!
Well said!
Liberals confuse a college degree with an education.
The liberals confuse a college diploma with an education.
That’s so on point……
Not having a college degree doesn’t mean someone is uneducated. I know people with college degrees that have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. I also know people with college degrees that are jobless and living with their parents. Meanwhile a lot of tradesmen I know own their own businesses and make a very good living at it.
Living in the south I’ve dealt with these types of ignorant assumptions all of my life. I’ve heard it all. I’ve been called racist, ignorant, inbred and so on just because of where I live. It’s like they think we’re all walking to school barefoot and dropping out of the 4th grade to work the farm. It shows how ignorant and un-enlightened a lot of these so called “educated” people are.
These assumptions are proof that the media, the elites and a lot of government officials are out of touch with the average American citizen. That, in my opinion, was one of the reasons they never saw a Trump victory coming.
Common sense means more than college degrees!
Perfectly stated!
Nicely said!
Love, Love, Love your comment! 2?? up!
From rural America I say let them eat cardboard – because we produce everything that makes cake on our farm and apparently we’re too stupid to market it. Oh wait – tree farmers make that cardboard. .. let them get an education to become self sustainable
I would imagine that Trump got pretty much ALL of the military’s vote, or 99% of it. Who among them would believe for one second that the former Secretary would have their interests at heart? Maybe none of them wanted to be in the position of begging for extra security assistance, and having it denied! None of them wanted to be thrown under a bus, and then lied about!
You can bet the same percentage of law enforcement voted for Trump as well.
You’re absolutely wrong. Gary Johnson (L) barely won the active military vote, because he’s the only candidate who didn’t want to keep them in never-ending wars.
And all of the Secret Service employees!
Republican senate or congress said No when she ask for more security it’s not all her fault
Republican senate or congress said No when she ask for more security it’s not all her fault
Thank you for posting this! It speaks to me on several levels, although I am an educated daughter of an East Coast farmer, who holds a master’s degree. While I am not uneducated, I know what it is like to work hard all day long, in less than favorable conditions, for a paycheck twice a year, and NEVER hold my hand out for anything, much less expect it! I think we have forgotten that this country was founded on the idea of hard work, discipline, morals and principles, all of which seem to have gone out the window, in recent years. Here’s an idea for all of those whining and protesting…your candidate and party did not win, with a system that, 8 (very long and troublesome) years ago, you would have heralded as fair, just and infallible because, you did, in fact, “get your way”. Instead of sitting around complaining, protesting and waiting on Mommy, Daddy or someone else to make it all better, grow up, get a job and quit waiting on a free ride! This isn’t Burger King, and you can’t always have it your way!
Your statement is a bit inflammatory and doesn’t help in the long run. I too am an educated woman, born and raised in a “red” state and have been made fun of for many years, being called a hillbilly, etc. it is interesting to me that everyone commenting on this article is making it all about themselves. That somehow you have been ignored by Washington for years, yet you claim you don’t want big government or handouts anyway. Why you think a billionaire businessman is going to care about the average middle class worker seems misguided. Ultimately this race was not about politics to me, but rather about what we hold to be valuable about human behavior towards women, minorities and those less fortunate. For a man to clearly show his contempt for women, minorities and disabled people – over and over again – and yet Americans decided to overlook those qualities, is what I find upsetting and disturbing. I would gladly get behind any other Republican president or candidate – George Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc, but to elect someone who has demonstrated such blatant hatred towards these groups of people, is not ok in my book. I “get it” that Trump voters wanted to send a message, we all get that loud and clear. But you picked the wrong way to send that message in my opinion.
Thank you for posting.
How can we come together in peace and prosperity for all, when such derogatory, divisive comments are the response? Because it’s in your hearts -we are such a house divided ready to fall, how about united we stand instead? How about realizing we have to live in this world together with people with differing value systems, and not take on the “Keep them out of our paradise, etc.” attitude. I also thank the people of Christian conscience and Faith who posted that they could not support a man who has proven himself over and over again unworthy of holding the most powerful position in the world. I was a Bernie caucus member as well, he has proven himself to have integrity his entire life and could be trusted to make sound decisions. Thank you for being brave enough to counter these popular but very disturbing votes for spurring hatred and racism – that is not a rural or city quality, it is a base and dangerous quality for our country and world. Please help make the world a better place by keeping people like Trump out of public office – Thank you for reading one person’s opinion, but I know I am not alone. PS: i completely understand the need to change our government – it is not working for the majority of working class rural or city dwellers.
It wasn’t just about “sending a message.” Donald Trump hired women as CEO’s in his business when it was unheard of in the construction field, and he paid those women the SAME rate of pay as men. He has attended gay weddings over the years and brought a gay man on stage to speak at the GOP Convention, which has never been done before. He faced serious opposition when he opened his Florida Marga-a-Largo to Latinos and African Americans but he fought the opposition. He has hired thousands of Latinos and African Americans in his businesses over the years. He associates with Muslims and also employs them. And he was not mocking a handicapped reporter; he made those same jerky arm movements during that same rally when talking about a General, and there’s a tape online doing the same thing talking about Ted Cruz (and that reporter doesn’t experience arm spasms). It was all mainstream media propaganda. Yes, he’s PC illiterate and sometimes makes sweeping statements that can be misinterpreted. Yes, he was caught on tape talk trash with the guys, and he was embarrassed by the tape that was made public, and apologized for it. People voted for him because they believe that he really does want to make a difference, in national security and economic development. He is a visionary, who has strong negotiating skills, is willing to compromise to get the job done, has unlimited energy and determination. and he is not a quitter. Most of all, what his supporters heard and felt coming from him was a love and respect for this country and all its citizens.
Thanks for sticking up for what in Nevada are called “the rurals”. I will now unashamedly plug my new book of poetry “Bodark County” which is set in West Texas and told in the voices of people who live in “fly-over country”.
More information at — it’s avail on Amazon if you’re too far away from a bookstore.
I am not sure which media (maybe Foxnews?) you are watching but the term is “none college whites.” I haven’t heard uneducated or rural. If you hate the media, maybe stop believing it.
CBS used it many times…both during the election and the next morning when they were trying to analyze how Mr. Trump won!
I believe it was ABC I heard it from and it was “noncollege educated white women”.
I was watching CBS until I couldn’t take it anymore. John Dickerson in particular seemed to want to call us uneducated. I found it very insulting. I don’t believe what the media says because of their bias, but it was kind of fun to watch them changing their tune a bit as the night wore on.
On another subject I am pretty sick of all these protests. If these are the ‘educated’ people, I guess I am okay with being uneducated. The rural folks don’t have time to do all that, they are too busy working to pay for whomever needs something for free. Get a job, or volunteer to use your time in a much more positive way!!!
No all news media were referring to us as uneducated rural voters. Every channel. It is ridiculous.
All I heard on ABC election night was about the uneducated rural white changing how the election was thought to go….didn’t even have on Fox
Those rural uneducated voters are the first ones to step up too defend this country more often then not. God bless America !
Rural America was not the only ones targeted…. I watched the polls. Many, many, many, suburban woman, WHO ARE so-called educated, voted for Trump. These white ladies, from wealthy, suburban cities voted Trump into office… not just rural America.
I am not a huge fan of Hilary, yet I still voted for her because I believed she was the more qualified candidate. Now that Trump is elected, I hope that he will be a president who LISTENS to his advisors and helps America grow in a positive way. We shall see. I have an open mind and hope for the best.
Thank you for this post. I grew up in the rural areas, have a B.A., and I voted. I don’t watch the media because they are very, very biased, so I hadn’t heard what they said about the uneducated rural people, but it does not surprise me at all. I just pray we can move on as a country, and work together.
Hey, Ashley! You and I have a lot in common. We need to talk more sometime! I have a Masters Degree in Agriculture and was very offended by what the media said. I paid the bill of my education in full. But they can’t ever take away our knowledge.
I would love to connect with you! I’m always looking for friends in the industry.
Where are comments about the poor, uneducated, inner city folks that voted for Hillary? I would venture a wild guess that those out numbered the”uneducated rural people” who do not get handouts and subsistence. We the people have simply leveled the playing field.
I can only assume you and your commenters were trying to be ironic in the content of your posts. I thought this should be required reading for those in rural areas who no matter how you lie/deny ARE the reason Trump won –
where is the evidence that the media think that rural = uneducated? Rural uneducated voters is a segment (there is a lot of segmentation in political polling). Rural with college degrees would be another segment. I have not yet seen someone making the assumption because voter is rural they therefore must be uneducated.
I have. It was all over CNN! The white uneducated rural voters are to blame for Trump’s shocking victory. Whether or not they meant this to mean all rural people are uneducated is beside the point. Calling people without a college degree “uneducated” is extremely offensive. Having a college degree does not mean you are better or smarter than someone who does not. The media was trying to imply that these “uneducated” people are stupid and therefore voted for Trump, “ruined” the election, and now are the ones that the closed-minded, elitist, hypocritical liberals can blame for all of their sorrows. This was extremely apparent to me, and I’m an “educated” woman with a Master’s degree living in San Francisco.
Trump himself said “I love the poorly educated.” Was that offensive? You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about pollsters. I grew up in an all white small town in Illinois, and there were far more closed minded bigots there than close-minded people in the mid-sized city where I currently live. I’ve been a Republican for 25 years and am slightly embarrassed to be one right now. My liberal friends will debate issues. Too many of my conservative friends call the other side “socialists” or “libtards”. My party has gotten more stupid over the last 30 years and I’m afraid this year we hit rock bottom with a demagogue who made people angry and fearful so he could play them like puppets.
Yes sir that got stuck in my throat also, the rural uneducated areas, the “White Collar” you know, white, blue or red collar, educated or uneducated we all still have a brain, able to know right from wrong , good bad and ugly, we still now who is better qualified to serve. we may not have millions stached away. But that doesn’t stop us from knowing the value of a dollar. We have to budget our money monthly/daily just to make ends meet. while you go through your like it was water. Yet every time there is a problem they want to cut social security and veterans benefits. While the current goverment continues to bring able body young men into this country and they get more benefits in a month than most vets get in a year. But we are to uneducated to add/subtract to figure all this out. Give them free education where the rest of us uneducated rural folks struggle to put ourselves through school. The powers to be still pay no attention to our pleas for help. As our homes are forclosed on because no jobs because they have all been shipped out of the country, or illegals come in and get paid lower hourly wages, recieve benefits and get fat off our tax dollars, while we sink futher and futher indebt. Let me tell you this I am a Female Retired United States Army, drawing a retirement check that I have to pay taxes on, and social security check each month, and I am considered 150 percent below the poverty level. I can’t go out and spend 40/50 thousand on a 1 week vacation. Hell I can’t afford a vacation. But what is special about me is I may or maynot be uneducated rural folks, I may or maynot be a red neck as you all call us. But what ever you classify us as we are ‘WE THE PEOPLE”. WE THE PEOPLE WANT TRUMP AS OUR president because ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ BELIEVE IN HIM. Powers to be forgot about us and our power, Trump listened to us, and used our power to beat you at your own game. Who give a damn that he has no military experience, did Hillary? nor did several of the prior presidents. Did he have goverment service? No but then look how little the career poltican got done. Getting off my soap box. LESSON LEARNED NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE “WE THE PEOPLE’ NO MATTER WHERE THEY COME FROM.
Love EVERY word you said! ?
You all say what my heart says. I don’t have a college degree….two years. My husband does however. We have lived on a second generation farm for 55 years. To call us ignorant or uneducated infuriates me. I know what it is to scrimp and save…just to pay our taxes each year I have to set aside a large sum of money. I call it my “Platte County Rent Money” even though the farm has been paid for since 1969. Agree with you about Social Security and Medicare while they give our hard earned money to refugees and illegals. I know this to be true because I worked at a dental office for years. The government made medicaid retroactive for the above mentioned people January 2016 but didn’t extend it to American citizens until July 2016. I voted against abortion, higher taxes, open borders. Virtually everything Hillary stands for, I do not.
Well said!!
I don’t feel, at all, that the statement of “rural uneducated” wasn’t referring to no college degree, or stupid, I think of it rather as “politically” uneducated. Voting with Trump will do absolutely nothing for our group of rural people. Unless we make no more than $175,000.00 a year, we are the ones who will suffer the most with Trumps agenda. Our loyality to Trump will not improve our situations in any way and yet because we dislike Hillary, we vote totally against our own needs and wants. And, to be truthful, I kind of have to agree we are somewhat off kilter doing that to ourselves because of our hate for Hillary.
You are incorrect. They used the terms “Uneducated” & “Non-College Graduate” together. They were referring to rural citizens lack of formal education. No credit was given to common sense, which we in the fly over states have in droves, and those on the coasts seem to lack. In rural America we are taught to be self sufficient, and if we need to rely on others, its family, our church family or our community. We don’t go to the government for help until there are no other options. On the coasts people welcome the government to take care of them first. In fact, on the coasts they turn to government for even the smallest of issues. A tree branch fell on the street, no one does anything, they wait for a city crew to come move it. There is snow on the street, people sit in there house and call the city. In rural America we clean our own driveways and streets and then go do our neighbors. We don’t just sit and wait for other people because we are entitled to that service. In rural America we care about health care cost because we pay our bills. The government does not. And we don’t just not pay our bill. We aren’t programmed that way. We pay all our bills in rural America. No one else pays them for us. We don’t charge things to our credit cards we can’t afford and then declare bankruptcy leaving someone else with the bill. We pay our loans. We don’t go to school on some else’s dime and then cry that the government should just forgive our debt. In rural America our debt is ours, but then you ask that your debt be ours as well. And all these reasons and many more are way in rural America we voted for Mr. Trump. President Obama has lead our country to the largest national debt we have ever been burdened with. The educated people on the coasts don’t worry about this, because its their way of life not to worry about their debt, in rural America we honor our obligations. We are just weary of honoring it all.
Do you even recognize at all that you are just using stereotypes based on millions of people in vast segments of the country? You’re posting in support of a blog piece about not stereotyping rural people. Then you turn around and continue to make broad generalizations about both rural citizens and “people on the coasts”. Just like the rural Midwest is made up of all different individual people with some shared and some different values, so are metropolitan and coastal areas. Where you were born or choose to move does not suddenly shift your values or your work ethic. Some people are lazy, some people are highly motivated. Some people NEED help, others are self sufficient. Likewise, there is arrogance on both sides of the coin in assuming that the entire country would cower and fail to go on living without each of us. You may be a farmer or a construction worker or a steel worker. We need those people. Likewise, we need those academic liberal elites who end up being school teachers, city planners, and climate scientists. It’s easy to focus inward and think that your efforts alone are incomprehensible to others. It’s much more difficult to step back and realize how interdependent people are. It’s that perspective that helps us keep in mind that it’s much more useful to have empathy and understanding than to push further into the divide…
So many people aren’t politically educated. That’s the problem. They may be intelligent in many ways, have many talents, but if they don’t even know who our vice-president is, or who is the majority leader in both the House and the Senate, and doesn’t follow the political news hardly at all, then they are uneducated. They fall into the traps of pretty words, and false ads, and out and out lies about our political leaders.
I feel that the “politically uneducated” are those who are willing to “inform” themselves with nothing but reports from the mainstream media outlets who protected Hillary at the cost of truth. Truth will always surface eventually. Until then, tragically, propaganda reigns, and the corrupt are allowed to go their merry way.
We didn’t do anything to ourselves. We voted for a man that can bring jobs back and get non citizens out of our work force so our unemployment goes down. He’s the man that will make insurance affordable via creating competition and not being so stupid as to believe they are to big to fail.
You didn’t get the free stuff you wanted so your disappointed. But when school and health insurance become affordable and you wages go up. You wint care as much about free stuff.
You are “politically uneducated ” if you don’t think Trump will not help ALL people in this country unless you’re one of those who lives on our tax dollars! You should pay attention to his agenda instead of listening to the “talking points” of the Hilliary pundits! He will straighten out the damage Obama has done to this country and make it prosper again instead of tear it down like obama so desperately wanted to do!
So you argue against “talking points” with more talking points?
“Straighten out damage” and “make it prosper again” is not a substantive plan.
I stayed up until 3:30 watching, listening to the media trying to explain what happened. Believe me, they over and over said it was the uneducated white male that came out and voted Mr. Trump in! Sometimes using the reference “older” white male. They were not referring to political education. I am a graduate with a degree in Biology, minor in Zoology and Chemistry. I also have an associates in teaching. I am a woman from the most middle of the country you can get in the great state of Kansas. I have a son in love who is full blooded Mexican whose family came here 3 generations ago legally and he and our beautiful daughter have blessed us with 6 grandchildren that are half white half Mexican. We love them all so much! Guess who they voted for….President elect Trump! They know what it takes to raise a family of wonderful children. They do not now or never have relied on the government to take care of them!
We have very dear black friends who voted Trump because they want a future for their kids and grandkids that is everything it should be.
Our neighbors are oriental, hard working people who came here legally and are a vital part of this community. Guess who they voted for, Trump and they have university degrees that they earned by academic scholarships and hard work.
The media call themselves the elite. What they are is isolated, uninformed, liberals who are so blind and so enamoured with the socialist agenda that they are useless in the realm of journalism and TV correspondence. A great reporter/journalist gets out of their little sphere of influence and do their own research by experience what those of us who live in the real world already know and experience everyday. However, not these people! They sit and regurgitate what someone has told them to say or what they heard someone saying little thought or care as to the ramifications of it all.
They had a chance to stand up and acknowledge with grace the new President elect but we’re pitiful children trying to spin another story!
I would venture to say that the average rural voter is not in the “more than $175,000 @ year” category. If you think that is average, you are sorely out of touch. If we make below that, Trump’s agenda is for us.
To think that rural america is politically uneducated is one of the most idiotic statements I have heard so far. Here is a news flash for the “politically educated coasters”, we do have televisions, computers, internet and even smart phones! They same political rhetoric shows up on our televisions and internet. There are many very intelligent and highly educated people in rural america that enjoy the simplicity of our lifestyles. We chose this lifestyle over manicured subdivision, early morning traffic jams and gucci bags. Rural America voted Trump, not because of hate for Hillary, not because she is a woman. We voted for Trump because we are tired of the government interference in our lives. We are tired of not having a voice. We are tired of our Christian values being compromised. We are tired of being called racist because we want our children to grow up in a country they can feel safe and prosper.
So if you live in a rural area you’re “uneducated politically” as opposed to those who live in urban areas? That condescending line of thought, along with labeling everyone as a “deplorable,” a “racist,” or a “bigot” is precisely the line of thought that cost Hillary the election. The media, elitists, politicians, and clueless Millennials have snubbed the working class far too long and that is why Trump won. People weren’t necessarily voting for Trump but voting to break up the political machine in Washington with a political outsider.
Unfortunately… “we the people” once again have been TOTALLY DISREGARDED in the election proccess. America is the only country in the world that uses the biased tradition of an Electoral College… whereby the guy that gets the least amount of votes in an election can STILL be the president. No matter how you try and spin it THAT IS NOT SMART.
The comments , ” uneducated supporters” came from the Pres. Elect when he gave speeches at his campaign rally’s!! And he said he was glad to have the support of the “uneducated”!! They are so “uneducated ” they didn’t realize he was insulting them!!
Totally agree
You got it right. No more Obama,no more Hillary. I’m still waiting to see her and Bill in prison. I may not have a high education. I chose to be a stay at home and teach my boys morals,how to respect thire Country how to treat people with respect. To love God. And I have enough horse sense to run circles around those idiots in DC.
God Bless America ??
If anyone needs to be in prison, it is Donald Trump for sexual assault. If you want to teach your sons good morals, then have them emulate any man other than Donald Trump.
Thank you for bringing a reality check into the conversation. Small town rural values don’t involve the way he treats women. We need leaders who are respectable and trustworthy at a minimum!
Amen, Good job We are the people I agree with you 100 per cent
I am from Nebraska one of the flyover states!! Educated or high school grad we are ALL AMERICANS and I am SO PROUD of voters who stood tall against the Elite Establishment from BOTH parties and the condescending liberal media. We the little rural people did it! We stand tall today. It’s a great day to be an American ???????
If you graduated from a Nebraska high school most likely you did receive an education. I did.
Unfortunately… “we the people” once again have been TOTALLY DISREGARDED in the election proccess. America is the only country in the world that uses the biased tradition of an Electoral College… whereby the guy that gets the least amount of votes in an election can STILL be the president. No matter how you try and spin it THAT IS NOT SMART.
I totally agree with you Anne.
I have an Associate Degree from a State community college. If you want to turn your nose up at it go right ahead but chances are I pay more in taxes than you gross and I love my businesses.
It rubs me every time I hear the media segregate voters as non-college educated vs college educated.
Perhaps I’m being over sensitive but what exactly is the point?
Are they insinuating that somehow non-college educated individuals are not capable of casting an to informed vote? Sorry but I am very capable of thinking for myself and seeing through the elite media bias.
Well said sir!!!
If you remember it was Trump who used the term first and of course the media lumped it into what it is perceived today. Also people often stated were are uneducated and proud to vote for Trump. I am a college educated individual and know many people who did not have a college degree who I believe are smarter than me. I also believe that educated or not people did not use facts, critical thinking and good comman sense and voted for Trump. We have not advanced economically because of obstruction in Congress of all the bills proposed by Obama to further the good of all. Hope Trump could do it but I doubt it.
Hope the Congress works with him but look wht happened with Obama his party didn’t work with him either when Democrats controlled Congress. These people have their own agenda. They could care less about what a President wants to do. so Good Luck Mr Trump
Yes I heard Trump as the first one to use that term which sorrowed me! We were all put on this world as equals!
I may no longer live in a rural area! However, I still take offense to being called an uneducated voter! I do my research, and thus submit my vote! I am only 26 years old and basically started working really get out of high school. With that being said to call someone uneducated because they didn’t go to college is beyond ridiculous! Some of the smartest people I know didn’t go to school beyond what they were forced to! With this election cycle coming to an end, I will leave with this statement! Americans as a whole are tired of the political correctness bullshit, that is the main reason for what happened last night and continued into early this morning. We are all tired of career politicians that don’t stand up for the people that elected them! It is about time that we realize America is not the greatest country in the world anymore and start taking steps to improve our country and make us GREAT again!!!! Go Trump!!!
Just be sure you watch who Trump surrounds himself with in his cabinet. Many if not most will be long term career politicians. Same problem you say you want to get away from by electing him.
Whether you are educated rural, or just rural when it comes down to it this country is fed up with the current esttablishment. The people spoke. Everybody is fed up and sick of the promises that did not happen. Obama care is one. If you cannot afford it, and do not get it, you are penalized. The people want affordable insurance, one they can get and still feed their families while working two jobs to pay for healthcare.
Hopefully Mr. Trump can fulfill his promises to get this country back on its feet.. Give the man a chance to prove himself where ever you are from, educated with multiple degrees, trade school, high school , night school or no degree. We all have our own opinion whether right or wrong. This is mine and if you do not like it, remember I he next election is 4 years away.
The media and those who listen and belive everything the media reports are what is truly ruining our country. And if you can see and understand that. Well its just common since nothing to do with a education.
Love this! It really bothered me that they kept referencing this in all of the political stats and basically calling us all stupid. Nice.
I don’t understand how an elitist bully who has a track record for cheating small contractors and investors wins over hard working disadvantaged family oriented citizens.
The elitist bullies are the career politicians who are leeches on the back of the American taxpayer. They have no term limits, free for life healthcare, expense accounts etc., etc., etc.,. President elect Trump is a wealthy business man who made his own money with a loan from his father. He is goal oriented, knows the law, knows how to run a large company successfully and I hope will change things in Congress and this country. Investors know the risk when they invest and small contractors also know who they are working for. Bad word of mouth travels ten times faster than good. Disgruntled people bitch=happy people do not. Since President Elect Trump keeps on building and doing, mus be a lot of business people happy to work for and with him. The reason we have so many disadvantaged family oriented citizens is we have had dirty, lazy politicians running our show. What this election proved is Americans are tired of it!
That baffles me, too. My only hope is that he can follow through on what he’s promised. Perhaps a fresh eye is what the office needs.
Are you implying Clinton is “hard working disadvantaged family oriented”? If so that would be the most preposterous statement I ever heard.
Exactly. I cant understand how small business owners want trump in their whitehouse when he has a very long record of screwing small business owners like themselves. His father ran his business the same and so too his son-in-laws father. It is these things and his meaness and disrespect that? ‘s me.
Yes, thank you. This is why they are uneducated. They see things in black and white. They probably get their best advice from their parents who live next door and always voted for the Republican party, because “that’s just what you do.” It’s just sad that they beat out the true Americans who want change and progression. That is what America is about. We cannot get better without change and open-mindedness. Plus, if anyone think Trump believes in what he is saying, they are dumber than the media has been portraying. He latched onto the issues that he knew would get him votes (gun control and immigration) and used that to win. He could care less about the issues he’s preaching about. I’m more than sure he has also paid out plenty of women to abort any unwanted children in the past. In the end he will be terrible for business, awful for education (which we desperately need), and a shame for this country that these people claim to love. However, these are the same people who are mad that immigrants are coming to take our jobs. If you’re doing your job correctly, no one will take that from you. You can’t shame them for working hard and taking advantage of what you expect to get out life. Anyways, I always wondered what it would have been like to live about 50-60 years ago. Guess I will get my wish after all. Thank you America. Thank you for voting for regression and heartache.
Snookered. In a year or so, we will have the rest of the story.
I know plenty of educated idiots. Is the media saying the people with some paper that states they went to a college would have voted in such a way as to prevent any of this from happening?
Education, that’s an interesting concept. I wonder how many of those east and west coast elites could keep a tractor running at planting time or repair a combine during harvest. How about taking care of new born calves in a blizzard. How much do they know about crop rotation. Without the “uneducated” they would be killing each other over a morsel of food, you can’t eat a college education. By the way, I have one, but chose to live close to the land versus the concrete jungle.
You stated it SO WELL Thank you !
May I add to your list of the knowledge bank of farmers? I grew up on an Iowa farm and still have a business interest in it.
Here is what a farmer needs to know (him or her): animal husbandry , Botany, horticulture, agronomy, mechanics, carpentry, marketing, physics, chemistry and drugs, business and records keeping, knowledge of the tax system, law, personal skills, communication skills, economics, weather systems, computers, first aide, honesty, generosity, reliability, and strong faith on The Lord.
Love this!! Well said.
“Uneducated” is an arbitrary term. If you don’t go to college and have a degree, doesn’t mean you’re not educated. You learn something everyday, whether it be from a text book or a life experience. A person chooses the amount of knowledge he wants to acquire. Recognizing the skills/strengths of a person is what’s important. If everyone had the same skills or mindset, very little would be accomplished. There needs to be a balance of everyone to keep America running.
Just having a degree does not make you educated–look at the abundance of degrees in Washington D C
Education is not just college. I have over the course of my 58 years attended three different schools but never completed all the credits necessary to earn a degree. But I have read. Read a lot. Since elementary school, everything I could get my hands on. I read the news from countries all over the world.
I live on a farm.
In rural Pennsylvania.
I even write stuff sometimes that other people like to read.
When in college I studied English. Sociology. Government, particularly the constitution. So even if I don’t have a degree, I consider myself educated.
I also cling to my gun(s) and religion. Where we live by the time the State Police would arrive in case of an intruder with dangerous intentions we would be cold, stiff and smelly. I will protect my family. I possess a firearm and am competent in its use should the need arise.
So yes, all of those comments about us rural folks were meant to be insulting and demeaning. If they were purely about demographics they were not used in the correct context.
And education, is about living a life learning, growing, and every day becoming better at whatever it is you do.
I’m just angry at the lack of the lack of respect that the media has for any demographic group that supports Trump, or anyone that wasn’t Hillary. Yes I am in the deplorables who are middle class but lack a college degree. Anyone that says that the agenda bias media was not displaying attitude whenever they used the term “uneducated”, you have not pulled your head out of the sand yet. Let’s put another adjective in this description “uneducated female voters” or “uneducated Christian voters”. Doesn’t sound as vanilla now does it?!
It is the reporters that may have an education but that are acting like uneducated fools. People need to take a step back and realize that it doesn’t matter. Your education everyone of us is capable of making a good decision, just vote. That is what our for father fought for our freedom for to allow us certain rights.
Your article is right on the mark. Now it is time for all Americans to join together and make this a great nation again. We surely cannot keep going down the far left point of view.
I’m 78 years young have only a high school education from a small rural school but I worked hard all my life and tried to save enough and I have blessed and have done ok.
My dad when alive was a big Democrat because of F.D.R. but I can tell you if he was alive today the platform they have no way could he support it..
Really maybe we should be writing to the main media and let them know just how we feel they are no more news people they are bought off and only have one party to support and really that is not suppose to be there job.
I’m an educated woman from rural Midwest. What does being educated or uneducated have to do with politics specifically who people vote for? Whether or not I agree with Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump has nothing to do with whether or not I have a college degree. And I would much rather hang out with people who are Rural and uneducated but hard-working weather benzos who have their hand out and are looking for the next government program to live on.
And I should have edited my comment before posting sorry for the typos. Voice text doesn’t always work
I am a deplorable uneducated Midwestern citizen. “Uneducated”, because I don’t have a degree. Just because I don’t have a degree does not make me uneducated, just as that degree many people have don’t necessarily make them educated. My husband is also an “uneducated” Midwestern deplorable. He runs a very successful business. I work in the medical field, as an AEMT. Our children are all “educated” by societies standards, but more so by the education my husband and I gave to them than what they ever learned in school or college. My grandfather had to drop out of school in the 8th grade. He had an education that would rival any Ivy league degree. And he passed his love of learning on to pretty much all of his 14 children, 67 grand children and many, many great and great great grandchildren. We got our education from life, and from reading. We are educated better than many people with those degrees, I would bet money on it. Our bankers and investment agents all respect my husband’s views, and one even commented that he wasn’t sure why my husband worked his blue collar job when he obviously was much more qualified than that. He was offered a large insurance agency years ago when the owners wanted to retire. He wouldn’t take it, as he is just not an office job kind of person. He has tried it, and although he was very successful, did not enjoy it at all. He is unemployed every morning when he wakes up. It’s up to him if he wants to go to work, and it is rare that he doesn’t. I can count on one hand the days in our 30+ years of marriage. So to call us uneducated, simply because we don’t have degrees or letters behind our names is quite frankly, an insult. Education isn’t received only by attending institutions. Every day I expand my knowledge, generally through reading.
Wow, wow, wow! When I heard the media calling a group of people, uneducated, I was insulted. If anyone thinks the media meant it any other way than insulting, you are sadly mistaken. That’s exactly what they meant. Just because a person does not have a college degree does not mean they are uneducated. These “uneducated” people are the people who are keeping this country going, day after day. The truck drivers, farmers, plumbers, electricians, store clerks, barbers, beauticians, construction workers. I could go on…. none of these people are uneducated, yet these hard working people are being insulted and degraded. These people are the hard working, “rural” people of this country. Without these people, this country would not thrive. All I’m saying is, the media needed to describe this group in a much different manner.
I am uneducated rural dweller what the media and others didn’t consider is we the people have common sense…..!
The media was extremely basis and I find it interesting that they make all kind of assumptions without any data. They do not know how many people in rural areas are “uneducated”. And I also find it funny that it was completely accepted for the media to discuss how much of a disaster it was that Trump one. I know people who do not have college degrees that are extremely intelligent and people with college degrees that I wonder, how they every passed. A degree does not decide the value of a person anymore than the color of your skin or the amount of money that you make. People have a right to vote for who every they choose. That is our right in the country. I am not required to tell you who I voted for or why. I don’t need to defend my choice and I do not expect you to defend yours. I have voted for candidates that have won and lost in the past. And when my candidates have lost, I did not protest, or break windows. I didn’t claim that hate and racist is the reason my candidate lost. Nor did I say that I was not longer an American. I just made the best out of what we are given. So if you candidate didn’t win this time, maybe they will next time. If your candidate did win great. But we need to quit saying that the “uneducated” decided this election. Nor can the media continue to act like our country has come to an end just because the person elected was not their “chosen one”. As a country, we need to come together. Let’s hope we can.
Respectfully, this year’s election results qualify for a different sort of reaction than those of years past. I, too, have been on the winning and losing side of a candidate and have swallowed the bitter pill like a mature adult when necessary. But the “losers” in this case, are justified in concluding that an undercurrent of racism/bigotry helped determine these results. No doubt race played zero factor in plenty of Trump supporters’ voting decisions, but you cannot deny that Trump has explicitly expressed many racist and xenophobic sentiments throughout his campaign. Perhaps your vote was because you felt pissed off, not heard, unhappy with the alternative and misjudged by the media, but in aligning yourself with Trump, you have to take full responsibility for your choice: You are complicit with his message–all of it. I’m not asking you to defend your choice; this is a democracy, after all. I’m just asking you to own it.
Don’t worry honey, I own my vote for Trump. I don’t apologize for concerns that most illegal immigrants are streaming across the Mexican border including criminals. I love my country and don’t want terrorists slipping in the USA masquerading as poor displaced Muslims. My country should be more focused on providing resources and opportunities for our citizens even when that means giving less to the rest of the world. You can throw around big words to demonstrate your hate. But you can stop throwing a hissy fit now. We will not listen to your belly aching anymore.
If you voted for someone other than Trump, were you complicit with every facet of that person’s message? Basically there were only two candidates who had a chance to win. I’m sure many voted for the least distasteful, not the one who echoed their every belief.
The last time I checked, a college degree wasn’t a voting requirement. Please stop trying to defend the rhetoric that was used as a slur against the rural, everyday, small-towncitizen. Yes, we did show up and show them that we’re taking back our country. A high school graduate who went straight to the workforce is NOT uneducated. They’re intelligent enough to know college wasn’t for them. They’re every bit as successful, and their voices were heard.
I am one of those uneducated people who went to work before I graduated high school and continued working for over 41 years of my life. I got a scholarship when I graduated and was Valedictorian of our Senior class. I paid into SS all those years I worked in an office and it has been threatened to be taken away because big government stole billions from the coffer. I did not vote for a candidate who is satisfied with this and also wanted to give over half of my estate to big government upon my demise. Maybe the Media misrepresented this candidate but I can read English and I can press one when I use the phone. Gee, I could go on and on but I am glad this election is over and I am satisfied with the results so far.
I’m deplorable also from rural Minnesota and look who is now doing all the protesting and riots this is just unbelievable. I pray that Mr. Trump can get the job done and clean up the “swamp”..
I agree that they mean it as an insult. They don’t want to acknowledge the fact that people wanted Trump instead of a criminal. If only one quarter of what the media said was true about Clinton she never should have been chosen. I believe Bernie would have been a better choice and would have had a better chance of winning. I can not understand why the media never thought Trump had a chance. Can they really be that blind to the state of the union, the people’s distress? Clinton was a political nightmare, but had the money to buy her nomination. Neither candidate was ideal, but labelling people uneducated, ignorant or deplorable for their choices is wrong and insulting no matter their education level.
fun fact… more than 90% of Ivy league university professors are democrats. the education the generation who are in their 80-90’s and only went through 8th grade are just as “educated” if not more so than our current high school graduates. and you know what else. that generation knew how to work hard, save money, live through the depression, and provide food for themselves. – all without a college education.
I posted my own rant on this very subject last evening. I’m livid that the blanket statements were made. I happen to know several educated rural women who voted for Trump. We wish to not be stereotyped by our level of formal education as there are farmers in the heartland that could blow your collective educated minds with their knowledge of engineering, science, economics and complex computers.
With Donald’s history with women and I find it hard to believe any women could support this man.
Did any of you bother to check into his illegal use of his “charitable” foundation, or maybe the six times he’s filed for bankruptcy, or The way he uses the legal system to avoid paying contractors that work for him, or possibly his history of racism?
Would you want your children to emulate this man? Would you hold them up as a moral compass for them? Married three times , cheated on two wives
Not to mention never releasing his tax returns which could very well show his ties to Russia and China.
God help us with this man does not destroy this country
Your comments are laughable. Did YOU research enough to know that the Clinton Foundation was basically a money-laundering operation that, among other things, paid for Chelsea Clinton’s ridiculously expensive wedding? Do you care that HRC repeatedly used her position to destroy the MANY women who accused her husband of rape and assault? Did you read HER racist comments about blacks and muslims in the Wikileaks emails? Do you condone her treatment of our American servicemen in Benghazi? Do you care that she was so grossly negligent with our national security that she had an unsecured server in her basement that the FBI has now said was hacked by AT LEAST 5 foreign countries, and that she forwarded emails to her maid to print out? Morality is a two-way street, and her actions were criminal.
I voted for Trump! I am an educated 40 year old woman who thought long and hard about my vote… l’ve read about both candidates what was accomplished by both… the good and the bad… Clinton supports her own interests always often at the expense American lives… Trump looks after his own interests… but I’ve learned of the many times he has shown compassion and help others and not just during this election times he has stepped in and help the government finish something they have worked long at the expense of the American tax payer… trump got it done in almost no time… He has helped families people he doesn’t even know and he does it without a ceremony or calling the media to let everyone know…he just does it! If you teally think Donald Trump is the only man to talk vulgar about woman or most anything…you don’t have brothers… when men think it’s just them, like to do that… I don’t think men every really grow up when it comes to that… just my opinion! So get over it!
I voted for Trump! I will own my vote!!
Now I will sit back and watch something different happen with the government… Trump brings change!! If he does what he says he will I will vote for him again n 4 years!
Go Trump!! Make Americans proud!! Make America Great Again!!
The progressive movement is the total opposite of what rural America stands for. Rural America still believes in character, integrity, morality, hard work, and most importantly God that gives us grace. The progressive/elitist cannot fathom our values so they have to label. Quite simply, we outvoted a movement that was trying to destroy America’s moral fabric.
Very well written by the way.
If your most important value is a belief in God, have you bothered to ask him why he’s let the American middle class slip into dire economic hardships, while empowering those liberal and corporate elites? Perhaps if he were listening he would’ve given all of his believers some better choices than a criminal and a reality TV star. How do you speak of religion and moral fabric, while subsequently voting for a man who lacks both?
Seems contradictory when you actually think about it.
I didn’t even notice typos…. this was a great read and with from your heart. God bless your sick baby as you wrote this! Thank you for sharing.
This will likely stir the proverbial hornets’ nest, but I believe that when the media tosses around the term “uneducated,” they mean anyone who doesn’t share their “enlightened” viewpoint. I was a National Merit Scholar and have a masters’ degree in accounting but I suspect they would still see me as “ignorant” because I am also a Christian conservative and my worldview doesn’t align with theirs. And you know what? I can live with that.
Why does it matter if someone has a college education? Some of the smartest and hardest working people I know didnt go to college. The farmers who grow your food, raise the chickens, cows for milk and beef, pigs: they may not be college educated but they are damn smart. You with your masters degree in accounting or psychology please go get up in that combine and start it up and drive it up and down the fields all day ling in the hot sun and tell me your education helped u there.
Or please go out to the oild field with my husband and his co workers and worker an 19 hr day drilling and piping and fracking….. yes i said the “F” word….. bet you have no clue on what anything they do. Or lets see you take you educated self 2 or 3 miles into the depths of hell to mine for coal. These men and women sacrifice time from their families and yes risk their lives to bring you electricity, heat and the many many household products made made oil and coal.
What about our road crews, iron workes, steel mill worker: non of them have college degrees , but I can guarantee you they are smarter than you and they actually work for a living.
The media doesn’t get it because they view anyone that isn’t on east or west coast as significant thus uneducated by their standards. If you look at our inner city education, we have a critical education problem in these large metropolitan areas. What the media is really saying, is that we haven’t been indoctrinated into the political correct way of thinking. That’s why Clinton and Sanders want free college, so as to indoctrinate more of us before we can think for ourselves. I was a delegate at the convention this summer and saw first hand the utter high brow arrogance of the media talking heads. Like Reagan once said, it’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that what they do know is completely wrong. The key is, follow your heat and pray about your decissions before you do things. Life is easier when you have Christ as your guide.
So true. Thank God for His mercy yesterday!
I hate data.
My Dad was a farmer! He was self educated! He was born Iin 1895! He had no chance for education past 7th grade! His Dad was country doctor, who raised a large family! Doctors did not make much money in those days. My dad had to go to work to help support the family. However he took courses through the mail, And studied everything he could get his hands on. He was one of the smartest man I have ever known. Even though he did not have much formal education. He lived to be 94 years old and was intelligent until the day he died. He never stopped wanting to learn. Two years before he passed away he taught his self metrics . I don’t believe that you have to be highly educated to be intelligent. I believe that a lot of intelligent people voted for Mr. Trump.
I can certainly understand why being lumped in the “rural uneducated” group would feel insulting. I would feel the same way. In my opinion, I don’t view education as a measure of intelligence. I view it as a measure of perspective, a broadening of what one finds acceptable.
When you go to college, you meet a variety of people, some from other countries, some from different religious backgrounds, perhaps of a different sexual orientation. You become friends, you talk and you really listen to others’ point of view. It’s much harder to be judgmental of people you know and care about. So you become more accepting of jewish people, of gay people, of others who may be different from you.
It is much easier to believe that your way is the only right way when you surround yourselves with people who are just like you. And you start believing that Christianity is the only acceptable religion, that marriage between a man and a woman is the only acceptable family unit, and so on. And you start believing that laws should be passed to restrict freedoms of people who are not like you. That is what’s heartbreaking. We should all be free to make our own choices in life and pursue that which makes us happy.
I never comment on political issues but…..For those who say – oh they are not talking about you because you have an education, it’s the ones who left HS straight to work. What the hell…Well let me educate you my friend. My husband has dyslexia, when he was young the school or teachers did not know why he couldn’t read, he left HS as a Jr. You may call him uneducated, but he is a very successful man. So….not having a degree or diploma doesn’t make you uneducated. It makes you work hard and fight for what you want! So everyone, please please come together and stop labeling people. I love this country and every uneducated, educated, lgbt, black, white…etc…that is what makes our country the best place in the world! Peace everyone.
I think Ashley is trying to say that they grouped the rural voters as a whole and that the term “undeducated” has nothing to do with the innate intelligence of an individual. We rural “hillbillies” turned out in droves after we researched, listened, and some of us even prayed to do the right thing and then we voted. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, or write-in voter because contrary to the way the media made it sound, we have them all. Uneducated is such a relative term. I am a Registered Nurse and I have found that I have a lot more “sense” than some highly educated doctors that I have met. Proud to be known as a country girl 🙂
Yes! You understood my point completely.
While I am not happy with the results I am annoyed with the treatment of the rural people the media seemed to be talking about. They are not uneducated. Did the media have any idea how ironically stupid that is. You don’t have a college degree that makes you uneducated. That is half the problem with the world. I live in a very rural area, the uneducated are going to school to become educated, they are children. Rural people of the area should not be looked down upon because they have no degree. If there were so “uneducated” just exactly how did they mobilize so well. So I am not sure what the term should be but uneducated it should not be.
Like I said I am not happy with the result but I am also not happy with the treatment of those in the rural areas.
I completely agree. Not having a college degree does not mean that someone is unintelligent or lacks education.
Educated or not, are we to be proud that rural Americans support a greedy bully who promotes violence and cruelty? Are we to be happy that rural voters support lying, cheating, and stealing? Why should our kids tell the truth when th President-elect doesn’t? I live in a very small Midwest town and have regarded my neighbors and community. But now their ignorance is showing. And let’s face it, how many uneducated men are man enough to vote for a woman.
Personally I didnt vote for him. For many of the reasons your stated above. But what is done is done.
If the woman has the best interest of our country in her heart with the right polices I would vote for her. This election that was not true.Ms Clinton was for open borders, bring in thousand of Muslims not sure of their intension,higher taxes,sorry trade deals and killing our countries energy Co. she was also for single payer Gov. Health ins., which most people are fed up with Gov. In our life. Mr Trump hit a cord with working class people of America like no other presidential candidate has ,God Bless Our Country ,Amen.
Thank you. Every person should count. I feel that the news media and Hollywood thanks they can speak and everyone should follow them. I’m happy you have made this comment.
Amen to that
I am an relatively uneducated rural voter as well. That that was very well put.
Yes, Thank you. I want to point out that the Media, one reporter in particular said “When did we lose our power?”. The media is supposed to be an unbiased reporting agency.
By saying that they admitted trying to sway the publics opinion to Hillary’s favor. We are constantly being played and now insulted on top of it. Yuck
I think that splicing and dicing groups of people, discounting people’s experiences, opinions etc. is exactly why our country is so divided. We need to listen to each other more – hear each other more so we can truly understand why people are taking positions they are. I think that is why people responded to DT. I did not vote for him for various reasons but I can understand why he appealed to many. Until we can empathize with others and not segregate people into various groups, we will be a nation divided. That goes for ‘uneducated rural voters’, muslims, suburban educated women, mexicans, latinos, politicians, businessmen, blacks, Chinese, whatever. We have to see each other as people and not categories.
Some of the most “educated” folks I’ve ever met never stepped foot in a college. Some of the most ignorant people I’ve ever met have college degrees. A piece of paper is just that, a piece o paper.
Nice story. Well said.
Ok, Katie, so my that same logic we should refer to urban minorities with no college education as, “uneducated urban blacks”. Start saying that around town and let me know how well received it is.
I forgot that you are the REAL victims here……you have lost so much the last 8 years
My opinion as a “Deplorable” from the flyover state of Kansas is that you could not have conveyed your message in a more eloquent manner!
Actually, the only thing I could add in a message would be “can you hear me now?”
Ha…. if you are educated, then you are NOT one of the “uneducated” the media was talking about! Isn’t it funny how that works!?
I have to agree with the above poster. They aren’t talking about you, or the people you know with college degrees. They are talking about the ones who went straight to work out of high school. No where did I hear it as derogatory. This is the type of stuff people are talking about when they say “Americans are too sensitive” and we need to be more “politically correct.”
Obviously education does not make you intelligent.
Your comet is B S . The media groups all the people who don’t live on the east or west coast as unimportant.
But it is offensive. If the country is going to cater to and tiptoe around every other group of people in this country, why shouldn’t they treat rural Americans with the same decency they feel all others deserve?
So, because I went straight to work after high school to serve my country where I achieved the rank of SFC (E7) in 12 years, attended many schools to learn the battle doctrine of several foreign countries, taught soldiers to live in battle, set many records and developed the Mission Essential Task List to coincide with battle plans to support the Engineer units in the Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee National Guard while NEVER pursuing a college degree and after 20 years of being a soldier, spending 16 years as a police officer building and running the intelligence unit where we developed a way to recognize drug dealers and using minimal finances arrested and imprisoned an average of 12 a year.
And I’m uneducated? It’s been my experience that people who look down on those who don’t have some piece of paper on a frame from some college where they “learned” didn’t get “educated”…
Better “straight to work after high school” than straight to welfare. Why would it be any more ok to put down a hard working “un-educated” person who contributes to society.
Yea, if you have 2 degrees your not uneducated!
There is no shame in going to work right after college. I mean are you serious? Joining a union, learning a trade like welding on the job, mechanics, heavy equipment operators are all trades that can be started right out of high school. Not to mention the farmers that keep you fed. Judge much?
Tell me who made this so called rule that it’s not ok to be politically incorrect?? That really means if you go against the ‘ progressive liberals that this is wrong, and it’s anything but right. In my book I love make my own rules that align with the Bible.
This still is free country and when society try’s to tell me what’s right or correct I say who died and made you king or queen?
Excuse me! A paid piece of paper passing test given by professors, some with very strong narrow mindedness opinions, doesn’t constitute an education. I know educated people , as you term them, in debt up to their ears. Not to smart. Some of the most intelligent people I know made a living with a life degree, paid for everything in cash and lived by the good book. Yes, the Bible. And Jesus is the most educated man to walk the earth!
You know, they teach students how to read and think critically in rural schools too, right? It doesn’t take a college education to learn how to pick up a book or explore the thousands of free online educational journals. God forbid there are people out there thinking for and educating themselves, even though they were not afforded “higher education”…
I totally agree with what you said Sally.
Just what does that mean? When things are politically correct I would understand it to be good for all the people of this great nation. Now “with that being said” nothing is ever politically correct for we will never see eye to eye on many issues. We all have different needs and wants. We need to keep in mind “don’t tread one me”.
I am one of those people who went to work straight out of high school. I came from a town of 800 people and graduated with 35. I now make six figures. I run a 20t million dollar business and am far from uneducated. As human beings we must stop classifying people!
“Some of the most successful people I know have a high school diploma at the most.”
I left high school and joined the Army in 1987. I do not have a college degree. I am a white male of 45 years. I have worked my butt off all of my life as my parents taught me. My father has two degrees and has been an instructor at the college level. I live in the country and have raised livestock. I am also the production manager of the largest body shop in southern Colorado. So, yes, I am one of the “uneducated” “. While I did not vote for Trump it awed me , similarly to when Obama won the first time as to how the country can come together and make things happen. Could possibly be that the people are fed up with the people that pretend to run our country.
Heaven forbid you have a typo.
Agree with Katie. While I understand your motive is to defend the rural uneducated voter, you clearly do not fall in that group. I also live in rural America and have several college degrees. We are in a different demographic. They are hard working people and many make a good living. They are still uneducated.
I think that education doesn’t equal a degree anymore, either. I know of a lot of people who went to trade school or did an apprenticeship. Technically they are uneducated. They still have education. Just because I fall in a different demographic, since you said it, doesn’t mean I consider myself better. And that doesn’t mean I can’t defend my neighbors, employees and friends.
I respectfully disagree with the end of your post that they are “uneducated.” Possibly, they simply have a different type of education. All education does not necessarily need to take place in the hallowed halls of traditional academia. Just a little thought to ponder.
Yes, agreed.
Uneducated doesn’t mean stupid either, most of the people that are called uneducated have what is called good old horse sense, they know right from wrong, and they treat people the way they want to be treated and they love America! They most of all don’t think they are better than their neighbors. The people in rural America have helped make this nation the greatest nation on earth by working along side one another and loving their nneighbor.
Just because someone is not educated doesn’t mean they have no common sense!
Who cares everyone attempts doing the best they can. More than a degree makes you educated.
No they are not uneducated. They may not have gone on to HIGHER education, but they are educated. To call someone uneducated because they voted a way the media didn’t like is wrong. Those people aren’t dumb, but calling them uneducated makes it sound like they can’t make wise decisions. To me uneducated is not finishing school or not able to read or write.
You do not have to have a degree period to be educated. My husbands family has been self employed since 1963. His father started the business all by himself without a bank or any other loan officer. He quit school at the age of nine to help support his family. He self taught himself everything he needed to know from that point on. He did all the electric pluming and everything in between. He taught my husband and his siblings. My husband than taught our son who will teach his son.
We also live in rural America and I’m talking rule. My husband and son have build our business into a very well know name. They both did this with a high school education. We make products for our state and for a major grocery store.
So unless you truly know what you are talking about please be quiet. Just because you have a college education doesn’t mean you will have a job.
Degrees alone do not make a person educated. I have an MBA and have several clients with NO college degrees that are light years more educated than I am…
So what you are saying is that people that don’t have college degrees are not educated enough about government to make good decisions? We are all entitled to our opinions, but this is why people want change because we are tired of a corrupt government and broken promises. And I do not think it is fair to assume that just because you are college educated and have high figure incomes make you better than anyone else. I am an American that loves my country. People need to stop assuming and start standing together as a nation. Try informing people or help them make a good decision. God bless you.
And why do you call that uneducated. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know right from wrong. And you know what, those so called uneducated pay taxes and THEIR VOTE COUNTS JUST AS MUCH AS YOURS !!
Tara what is the gestation period of a bovine? How bushels per acre is a decent outcome for corn? Beans? Wheat? If we were building fence and I asked you to go get the wire stretchers would you have clue what I was referring to? I will assume you wouldn’t but my son knew all these things by the age of five? Because you didn’t know these it doesn’t mean you are uneducated!! It means you have not been taught yet!! Education and learning doesn’t always come from a school!! Please don’t google the answers because the people that already know those answers wouldn’t of posted what you did!
Well, regardless I am an educated rural woman that is originally from the West coast. I have always known that the various media’s were biased. I’m 62 years old and have seen a few elections.. Typically would watch all of the various media stations to get their ideas. Then mull othem all over and make my own decision regarding my political choice k.
This year I have never so blatelently noticed how biased their reports were. They were so obviously bought and paid for. ONE AMERICA NEWS out of San Diego seemed the least biased.
The journalists are not held accountable for what they say. Trust me they used to be. There seems to be no ethics or level of standard for them today. It’s certainly unethical and demeaning to me personally. Strictly propaganda and sucking ratings at the same time. It all is unsatisfactory and appalling.
So deplorable I am and proud of it.
The media really has biased. I has been so hard to find a place I can find good information to make a decision.
True. So true. Education does not equal intelligence
Messin33….I’ve not watched TV news in several months. I got sick of all their lies, deceit, and trying to tell the American people what they think, how to think, what to do & how….like they know everything. You asked where to get good news….try online with reputable people. Dennis Michael Lynch, Sheriff Ap…io (sorry, don’t know spelling), Infowars, …just to name a few; there are many more that I can’t think of at the moment.
As far as the media and their slant; the choice is yours. If you don’t like what they have to say don’t watch them
Yes, One America News is an excellent source for unbiased reporting. I’m not just saying that because I live in S. D. but it’s the truth.
For those of you that voted for Trump, I would like to know why you voted for him. What criteria did you use? Which of his policies appealed to you? Thank you.
Possibility of a 65% estate tax. How do you liquidate 65% of a farm, and still operate? Sell 66% of a combine? Sell off 66% of the land?
Held my nose and pushed the button.
And, if we hold Trump to his old words, we must hold Clinton to her old words. Specifically an interview when Bill Clinton was running in which she declared she was not a little stand by her man woman. She was, and is, exactly what she raled against.
I voted for Trump because i want conservative judges appointed to the Supreme Court, i want at least late term abortions to stay illegal, i want to preserve the 2nd amendment, I want smaller federal government. I want immigration laws inforced. This does not make me uneducated, homophobic or racist.
Amen sister!
I voted Trump for a couple of primary reasons. I couldn’t bring myself to back someone that wants to legalize something as intrinsically evil as partial birth abortions and to see the HHS mandate be done away with.
Constitutional integrity, Illegal immigration reform, homeland security, increase of military strength, drain the swamp, better business climate, smaller federal government, business regulation reform, less general bureaucracy, and I could go on but time is short and you most likely get my drift. Amendment 10 of the Constitution is also important to me, not so with Mr. Trump but I have to “choose one”. haha
$20 trillion national debt no one seems the least concerned about, not one single budget passed in 8 years by Congress or POTUS, trade agreements need revised to create more jobs in USA, economy teetering on the brink of collapse. I could not see Hillary fixing any of that, only making it worse.
I voted for Trump. Because for one I don’t trust Hillary. 2 she is a career politician and I feel trump can actually bring change to Washington. I also feel the Clinton’s are very corrupt.
What part of Hillary’s corruption and greed and selling out of the American People appeals to you? What part of her covering up and enabling of her pervert husband appeals to you? What part of her stance on killing babies right up till birth appeals to you?
Love this!
Voted for Trump. Support pro-life stance, 2nd amendment, immigration, trickle down economics, foreign policy.
Hi, my reasons were not his platform or hers. I don’t like either one of them. So for me it was what looked to me to be the lesser of the two evils. I don’t believe either one with all their promises. But I do know this country needs a drastic change. I know he won’t fix everything, but maybe he can change a few things for the better. I can’t take any more of the politics these people have perpetuated for last how many years. Enough is enough. And I have no plans to go out and bully, beat, or harass anyone. I have gay, black, and friends from other countries. I would love to see a respectable, honest, hard working woman as president- just not this woman.
I voted for him because 1) I do not believe in abortion especially late and full term. 2) because the next president will most likely appoint several Supreme Court justices and if Clinton was president, they would all be liberal 3) I believe Clinton to be as corrupt as any politician could be 4) The lies and betrayal of 4 American lives in Benghazi 5) the sleazy Iran deal.etc etc etc. 5) Trump is no angel and he is certainly flawed but he is not Hillary Clinton.
Another question about trump…wasn’t it Trump who called this demographic “uneducated”? I believe his quote was “I love the uneducated”. The media could have in fact been using his terminology when describing them.
Let me start by saying that up until the day before the election, I was undecided and leaning toward voting for a 3rd party candidate. It’s not that I didn’t think he would be ok as President, but I struggled with voting for a man who I feel looks down on women and sees them as property, or an asset. I didn’t think of him as a “good person”, and I’m still not sure if he is.
I can’t tell you how I got past that, I just know that after some praying and a little soul searching the night before the election, I TRULY felt that voting for him was the right thing for ME to do.
And my reasoning would not be complete without mentioning how MUCH I did NOT want Hillary Clinton to win. I’m not bashing her but I do differ with her on some issues and I do not like that she is a politician (to her core, and with her own agenda–in MY opinion). She comes across as very angry to me. I’ll stop with that because I really don’t want to bash her, but it was deeply disturbing to me, personally, to think of dealing with her as our President. That’s just how I FELT, and it is our right and freedom as Americans to vote for the person WE WANT in office.
So let me tell you what I think Donald Trump brings to the table, personal shortcomings aside…..
I like his America-first attitude. I think we need to pull back for a while and focus on getting our own house back in order.
I like that he is “real” and not a politician, and not financially influenced by or dependent on any political party. It’s about time we were presented with what a candidate really stands for and not his or her party’s “spin.” We are starving for sincerity and genuineness. Put your ideas out there and if they resonate with people, you get their votes.
I believe that his proven ability to manage various enterprises successfully and the characteristics that that requires are something that our country could use right now, to start reversing the damage that partisan politics has caused to our nation.
Anyway, I know this is long. But I wanted to answer your question.
God is good all the time.All the time God is good.Prayer works!!!
Well I voted for him mainly because of the time coming for new appointments to our highest court and he will with help from the house and senate choose conservatives who are more for the constitution.
Also I’m pro life and Hillary was for abortion even up to the nine month time.
He also is for getting the money back into our county from many corporations that have moved and bank some where else because of the high tax rate..
He also wants to do some thing with the open border which needs to be done.
Perhaps the lesser of two evils … But, moreso a vote against the status quo. And with the alternative, it would be more (or worst) of the same.
Please don’t blast me, but yes I supported Trump. My guns are still my own, and hopefully like most other countries illegal aliens will have penalties and not hand outs. One of the main reasons I would have never supported Hillary was her abortion views. I have had four miscarriages and one forced abortion. Yes, there are reasons to have one (rape, medical) but never in the last trimester.
He has a history of picking effective people who can get things done (he didnt make all that money by picking bad employees and servicemen). He has done something BEFORE becoming a politian. He isnt another crooked lawywr. He is rejecting the salary of the position. Nobody had much bad to say about him until he bucked the xlintons, so chamces are he is a pretty good guy. He has a lot of international busoness experience and his own intellegence service. Lets hope hos is better than what obama is using. He isnt being investigated for treason…. The list is long.
Border security.
Taxes not raised
Hope for a better economy
Constitutionalist Supreme Court nominees
I voted for Trump as the candidate with the party platform closest to my personal beliefs. Some of my reasons: Healthcare change, financial direction including national debt and cutting out the “pork” in spending, future Supreme Court justice appointments, changing trade policies with Mexico & other places that can sell to America with no taxes, encouraging businesses to stay in the US, comprehensive tax reform, wanting a major change of direction from Mr Obama, and the strong dislike/distrust of Ms Clinton.
I voted for trump because I believe life begins at conception and that people who can’t speak for themselves need protected. I don’t believe that Obamacare is affordable or helpful for the working middle class (one case in point is my father was projected to retire until his health insurance doubled yet his coverage decreased. I’m also paying over 600 /month for family health insurance with a 6k deductible). I support 2nd amendment rights. I believe in lawful immigration. I support our law enforcement and military.
I don’t support a career politician who still doesn’t know “c” means classified and chooses to let our military be left for dead. I also don’t think socialism can work outside of a vacuum, particularly in the USA where everyone wants something fur nothing.
im cautiously nervous. I’m not excited that I voted for trump, but I do believe his stance most closely aligns with my personal beliefs and ideals. I voted my conscience.
I’ll preface this by saying I am a lower middle class, gay, white, male who has recently graduated college with a degree in geology. I was going to vote left until I realized Trump was the only one addressing issues I cared about.
The first major portion of his 100 day plan (pdf is available online if you dig for a few minutes on google) outlines his plan for fighting corruption in the government. His proposal for this is very similar to the plan outlined by RepresentUs, a grassroots organization I started following about a year ago which I have a lot of trust for. Reading just this portion of his plan, knowing Hilary has made no statements or plans to fight corruption, made me think twice about all of the preconceptions I had about Trump.
The second thing I really like is that he is anti-NAFTA. If you aren’t anti-NAFTA, I suggest you learn about NAFTA and decide for yourself whether it’s a good idea or not. Personally, I think NAFTA would give way too much power to corporations.
Third, he generally wants to reduce the power of federal groups in America and stop throwing money out of the fucking window.
Some of his ideas still do seem a little extremist to me, like the fact that he wants to deport illegal immigrants and block incoming refugees from certain areas, but I have to admit, even these are things that need to be addressed quickly before we are overrun and can’t even help ourselves.
Abortion rights, common sense as to the energy industry, all the lies she told and letting people die in Benghazi as Secretary of State the absolute farce that is the Clinton foundation
I voted for Trump for many reasons. 1. I truly believe HRC sold out our country for top dollars. She put our country and our security in great danger. 2. My husband and I each own a small business. The last 4 years have shown us a great hardship. Small businesses are slowly dying under the Democrats. We need a change. 3. I am a Christian and proud of it. My heart and my whole being must vote Prolife. Someday I will face my Lord and have to answer for my actions and so Trump was the only clear choice.
I can not condone Trump’s actions and words from the past but I also believe no one is perfect, including myself. We all do things we regret!
Allie, I voted for Trump and the reason being is that I want him to be the one who begins the selection of the newly available Supreme Court seat because of his beliefs in the second amendment, abortion, Regulatory oversight, immigration, etc…
Contrary to popular belief, this election has virtually nothing to do with “personality” who will serve as president. That person will be gone in 4 to 8 years. The Supreme Court is what matters most because they serve for life. So I chose to vote for the America I wish to live in.
On another note: When the media accuses the “uneducated rural America” for the results of this election, I disagree wholeheartedly. I don’t believe you need an actual education to vote, to be smart or voice your opinion but I do wish more American’s would have “politically educated” themselves about this election and maybe the count wouldn’t have been so close…we almost had a president who would have sold us out to the highest bidder (but that’s just my opinion and it doesn’t matter at this point).
My husband and I voted for Trump because he is not a politician who is owned and influenced by special interests, Wall Street, or large corporations. He was willing to spend his own fortune to fund his campaign and fight to bring back American ideals. He is not part of the Washington establishment of “business as usual” meaning nothing gets done. He wants to keep us safe in our own country and make sure citizens come first. He supports our military, law enforcement and wants to return law and order to our country (current riots in Calif.). He is concerned that people are being hurt financially by obamacare (I have a friend who pays $1600 a month), wants to end the corruption and unconstitutional executive orders. He respects the unborn and their right to life (58+ million abortions since Roe v Wade), is for legal immigration and against Common Core. Wants to make sure America returns to a respected world leader and fair trade deals that will benefit our country. He wants American corporations to return manufacturing jobs here to grow our economy. On and on and on….but most of all our vote FOR him was a vote AGAINST hrc and her corrupt, criminal activity and to keep her and Bill far away from the White House.
I proudly voted for Mr. Trump for many reasons. First I think you should know why I didn’t vote for Hillary. I didn’t vote for Hillary because in my personal opinion she is a lying backstabbing treasonist witch that was attempting to sell America to the highest bidder. Seems anyone that crossed her or had a key to her closet full of skelotons soon became one. She is a rich elitist bigot that advocates late term abortion and when I look at my 36 week baby, I knew how wrong she was for our country. I as a college educated white female veteran, single mother, rural Texas woman really honestly felt that if she were to get the presidency, we would totally lose the America that we know and love. I seriously looked at Mr. Trump and realized that he actually knows the difference between a resident of America and an American Citizen. He knows that in order for our economy to rebound, we have to bring our jobs back. He understands that people cannot make a living wage at 7.25 an hour. He understands the problems that are wrought upon our economy by the Illegal Immigrents. He speaks plain english and doesn’t talk in circles around you. He knows that we have minds, opinions and that we are not stupid. He is a champion of the working man. He is a good father, has raised responsible law abiding children. He hasn’t lied to me yet, he doesn’t have a host of questionable deaths unmong his past acquaintences. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is not so much as why I voted for Trump, but why I didn’t vote for Hillary.
People wanted change, fed up with politicians spending our money, and Obamacare took away medical insurance from me and many others, 0eople want a business person in office
I voted for Trump based on being the mother of Marines and a strong belief that we need to build up our military,take care of our vets and make it more attractive for companies to do business in the USA. Clinton had to many things that pointed to lack of character,lying,hiding things,making bad decisions like Benghazi, I felt she was out of touch with everyday Americans. This doesn’t mean I didn’t cring when Trump used offensive language and verbally attacked others.I support Trump in the hope he is smart enough to surround himself with the best and brightest and make things happen.I firmly believe we need term limits and those elected should have the same benefits other government workers have.
I do not want people of any race discriminated against but do believe we need to secure our borders and immigrants need to be carefully vetted, People that choose to live in America should love it and desire to better themselves and this country, like our immigrant forefathers did.
We need new blood in the white house. We need to bring back middle class. No Obamacare. Our health insurance and medical bills are out of this world Cuz of obamacare.
Most of the people that I know who voted for Trump didn’t want to vote for him specifically. They wanted to vote against the establishment. Look at the margin of Clinton’s win in the District of Columbia and you will see why Trump won. People are tired of politics and politicians. Another reason I have heard is that people know what kind of President Hillary would be. Most people equate her actions and attitude regarding Benghazi with the kind of President she would be. To some…. The evil that is known is worse than the evil that is not known. People voted against the establishment and perhaps don’t know what they are getting this country into. But he could not possibly do all of the crazy things he spewed out in the election. No candidate ever is able to accomplish all they “promise”. At some point reason will take over. He is a business man and will surround himself with advisors that will guarantee his success. People wanted change. So here we go for better or worse!
1. Secure border: Just because I believe we need to know who and how many people are entering the country, does not mean I am anti immigration. It’s just practical. I also do not think people earning the lower end of the income spectrum need additional supply of labor to pressure the value of their skills.
2. Trade Deals: As a person involved in international trade, I have seen how deals are written to increase trade volume that helps companies bottom line, not necessarily what is best for the industry workers on country on an aggregate.
3. Inside the Beltway Establishment: In my opinion members of congress and the bureaucracy seem to work to perpetuate themselves, not to efficiently and effectively solve a problem.
4. Supreme Court: I believe in interrupting the constitution in a strict founders interpretation, not create new meaning as a “living” interpretation.
I have a B.A. in economics and a MBA in international trade; live in a community of under 400.
#1, to protect the Constitution of the United States. Hillary has openly attacked particularly our First and Second Amendments, as well as others–and the path to that attack is through the SCOTUS. Our next president has the opportunity to nominate at least one and possibly more justices to the SCOTUS. I am far more confident that Trump will choose people who actually respect and wish to preserve the integrity of our Constitution.
#2, the economy. There is a higher percentage of non-working Americans now than there have been for over 40 years, and much of that is due to Obama’s failed economic policies. Hillary promised more of the same, and has demonstrated a penchant for illicit ways of “making” money. Trump, for all of his warts and harsh business practices, has a firm grasp on what it takes to get an economy working again.
#3, our border security. Our southern border in particular is like a sieve, allowing anyone to enter illegally. This is not just a problem for us–it is also a problem for Mexico, as increasing numbers of illegal immigrants intent on gaining unnoticed access into the United States are using Mexico as a corridor. Mexico wants better border control as much as we do, in order to stem that tide. Hillary used to be in favor of better border security, but she has completely flip-flopped on the subject (as she has on so many other issues). Trump has made this issue a priority.
#4, the abuses of the “establishment” in Washington. These are rampant on both sides of the aisle, and while Trump was not my first choice for the presidency, he is a highly capable person (despite his imperfections) who does not tolerate the Washington “establishment” elitism. We need to clean house in Congress as well–but the White House is a good start. Trump has a long history of surrounding himself with capable and qualified people–and he is apt to choose Cabinet members and advisors based upon merit, rather than based on political favors.
I don’t much like the man–but those are some of my reasons. I could go on…
Why, what are you looking for, I voted for Trump I am 64 years old, and have lived in rural areas and cities. I don’t want or need anyone to defend there vote. I definitely don’t have to. So no I don’t know why you ask this question but know we are allowed to vote as we please. You sound like a media bite
I voted for him because I COULD NOT vote for Mrs Clinton. My children and grandchildren are watching. How can I tell them not to lie when one of the people who are supposed to be leaders in our nation is “caught with her hand in the cookie jar” but will not acknowledge that she is wrong, will not apologize and take responsibility for her actions? I do not want “business as usual in DC and that’s what we would have gotten with Mrs Clinton. Police killings are occurring daily and I believe she would have continued the current administrations policy of not giving the police more authority or greater protection. It is a sad day when our law enforcers are afraid to do their jobs, I cannot support a woman who would kill her own baby even as it is born. How long before she approved infanticide?
I no longer feel that we live in the greatest country in the world. For the past 15 years I have seen our country lose respect, be taunted and attacked by terrorists, and be in danger of losing its place as the most powerful nation in the world. I have seen rioters looting and ignoring the authorities, We are no longer respected as a military power to be feared, we are the police force of the world, a country who is compassionate and believes in the right of all peoples to be free from oppression. If we lose that status, it will be taken over by Russia? China? and to what end.
Yes, Trump is brash and lewd, but he apologizes and admits when he is wrong. Yes, he is a womanizer, but why should Bill Clinton get a pass when he doesn’t?
I believe he will be a strong leader who will not mollycoddle terrorists, rioters and race baiters.
Although Truimp was not one of my top ten republican candidates he became my choice because of the options I had. There are to many scandals surrounding the Clinton’s. Going all the way back to the 80’s when I meet Bill Clinton. They have always been untouchable and unaccountable for the actions. A neighbor, who is a Colonel in the army, has the same security clearance as Secretary Clinton. When I asked what would happen to him if he used a personal server to send top secret emails, he stated he would have gone straight to Fort Leavenworth. The rules just don’t seem to apply to her.
I also just don’t think she was going to change anything. Except the supreme court. Also her stance during the debate when she wouldn’t defend a unborn child even days before her birth. To me that is unacceptable for a leaded.
Do I like Mr Truimp or think he was the best choice for America? No, but on November 8, 2016 I he was only one I could choose.
Kuddos, this has grated at my heart for months
Well said
Thank you
Very well said!!!!
I so agree. ..the media can’t for the life of them, understand what happened, so they, choking on their sound bites, are saying what makes them feel better about their smug selves . I hope we as a nation are pleasantly surprised in the next 4 years.
I hope we are surprised too! At the least, we shook everything and everyone up as a country.
Thank you!
Love this as I am one of those “uneducated” rural people as well. But, please do some proofreading before this goes viral. Several typos
Thank you Kay! I have been trying to get it cleaned up. I did not expect this little thing I wrote while feeding my baby to go so far.
I am not sure which colleges or universities that you have degrees from.
It’s “rural ” not rule
Thanks for the help. I have a sick infant and “wrote it” with talk to text and missed that when I was editing.
It’s okay. I, completely understand. We are human, and having a typo or two just shows we are human. We are not perfect. Forget those that want to focus on errors in your words versus the idea and thought. Bless you and your baby!
You did great! , I agree with you 100%… hope you little one feels better soon
It is these little, off the cuff, comments that are demeaning and exactly what she was talking about in the article. You don’t have to be rude to point out a mistake that was obviously made by accident. Our country needs to go back to elementary school and learn about treating others the way you want to be treated. Let’s forget about college and having to be better than the next person. Go back to the basics and work on being a decent human being.
Amen! May God Bless you!
Exactly want trump needs to do.
Thank you
Now we are on to something! The meaning of any “uneducated” reference is demeaning and not meant with a kind heart. That intent is the core issue of our current times.
AMEN to that Megan….you said it like it is.
There’s always an asshole that has to correct….we clearly got the meaning
That is probably auto correct.
I am a deplorable from Michigan, didn’t like what they were saying about us either. I have a good education, six-figure income, raise three children all doing very well. And I’m very happy Trump won!
I’m so glad you are happy with the election result! That is the name of the game in democracy.
Yes! Exactly!
The media so often forgets that there is a big country between the oceans. To measure education based on ones opinions or bent in politics is showing lack of real knowledge.
I completely agree!
If you have two college degrees, you aren’t part of the rural uneducated voters. You’d be part of the rural, educated voters. The bulk of rural voters are uneducated (meaning no college degree), but you’re not included in that group, since you have a college degree. Hope that clears it up!
My point is not that I am educated. My point is that there are millions of intelligent people that have been forgotten in the entire election process because we live in rural communities. We have been forgotten and written off as a group of uneducated people. Maybe they don’t have multiple degrees like me, but they are still intelligent.
Right, but they are referring to a specific demographic. And their definition of educated is college education. This doesn’t mean they aren’t educated. It’s a demographic that’s been used to categorize a group of people, just like “Suburban educated women” turned out in droves in Florida. They’re not insulting anyone – it’s not meant to be a negative, it’s simply a data-driven group. You are not the uneducated rural vote. Calling yourself undermines your own “two big 10 college degrees”
They are not referring to a specific demographic and they did mean it as an insult. They are referring to the assumption that the people in the heart of the country are uneducated. If they would actually look at the facts they would see there are far more uneducated people in the larger cities than there are in rural areas. Coming from a rural, farming/ranching community, I know of far more educated (yes, college degrees) people than uneducated.
I agree with you, they do mean it and I view it as no different than a racism of sorts. They are accusing Trump supporters of being racist yet comments like that are no different. Sad day today but I totally agree with the poster.
This has been an interesting discussion for me and I did some research. You may know lots of people who have college degrees & in rural America, but in fact, USDA data shows that rural America has more people without college educations than metropolitan areas, 51% vs. 39%, respectively. So when they say uneducated, (note the comma) rural voters they are in fact talking about a large percentage of the rural population who lives in rural America and did not go to college. Those people turned out in masses in a way that wasn’t expected. If you fall under the educated category, the polls expected you to vote because you normally do. They weren’t surprised by your vote as much as the rural voter without a college education, because they don’t turn out as consistently. Hence why it was a major topic last night.
And let’s be clear, Savannah Guthrie and Lester Holt, etc., didn’t make up the term last night on air. I am in marketing and it’s a way to describe that data group. You may not like it and/or feel like it’s not a correct description for the good, hard-working people in that demographic (my parents included), but didn’t we just vote on a President who promised to throw political correctness out the window? And we are complaining because a common term to describe a data-driven demographic isn’t politically correct? Seems hypocritical. And please realize that we are coming off of a year of training from our President-Elect to hate and degrade our media, so instead of assuming that they think we are a bunch of dumb hillibillies because we live out in the country, instead, realize that they were forced to fill up hours of air-time while digesting results they didn’t expect. They are humans too, regardless of how much we try to pretend they aren’t.
I don’t see it that way. Statisticians collect data. A college degree is an easy way to differentiate between “educated” and “uneducated.” It is easy data to gather from people – a yes or no answer to one question. If you view it as a broad, derogatory label, you shouldn’t. Male, Female. Black, White, Latino. College degree, no college degree. They counted the votes that went with these different demographics and reported the findings. It’s data, not insults. Besides, every vote carries equal weight in each state no matter the demographics.
Perhaps if a portion of that demographic could be trained to fact-check before posting rumors on Facebook and could restrain themselves from long meme rants that perpetuate easily disproved rumors, the media wouldn’t find it so easy to label and dismiss them as stereotypes. Don’t get me wrong — I love my neighbors here in the deep rural heartland. But this election made me deeply regret having them as friends on Facebook. I did not want to know what I now know about some of them. I expect a lot of urban folks can say the same.
Again, as previous posters have said, when they say Trump was elected by the rural uneducated, they are literally referring to the fact that most voting Americans who live in rural areas without higher-level education tended to vote Trump. (Holy run-on sentence, sorry.) This wasn’t a blanket statement to insult Trump voters, or to insult people in rural areas. I’m sure some people might use it as an insult. “Oh only the uneducated like him.” But most pundits on tv are literally talking about specific polling demographics. It might SOUND insulting bc the term ‘uneducated’ can have a negative connotation. But pollsters & pundits are just trying to break-down where votes went & to whom. These are just factual, mathematicsl stats & statements. I think you’re being a bit too sensitive. But I get it. Obviously Trump touched on things that certain demographics felt appealing to them & they were definitely under-estimated. I think elections/predictions/polling will be so very different from this day on. And btw, when they talk about the group of voters who did not get a classic “higher” education, you are not included in that circle.
College degree does not necessarily mean you are “educated”. I worked for an MBA grad (UK) who was as dumb as a pet rock. I only have 2 years of college but I’m not “un” educated. High school diplomas of the early 50’s are equivalent to some college diplomas of today.
Thank you for trying to provide important clarity, Katie. I only hope that your responses will be heard and recognized.
And how did the news commentators get this information/statistics a few hours after the electio? It is an assumption on their part because the votes were coming in from smaller precincts instead of larger populated areas. How exactly were they compiling their information on the spot?
I disagree. They are assuming rural meant “Redneck” and uneducated. Clinton lost this race because she played Identity Politics. She labeled people and grouped and sorted and dismissed them based on her biases.
Thank you for saying that. I guess I would be considered uneducated which really is an insult. I did not finish college but I guarantee you, I am very “world” educated” in my 59 years! I am an independent voter & did vote for Trump. I have lived in the very poor southern Kentucky areas, as well as Ohio, & I am not nor are my realatives uneducated. If the political idiots had recognized this from the beginning they would have seen the Trump win a long time ago. I’m sorry if my grammar & punctuation may not be perfect, I am recovering from a stroke so I may not have gotten it all correct.
Why do you have to have a degree to be considered “educated” in a rural setting? Myself and my husband make over $95,000 a year and my husband only graduated high school and I went to a trade school for nine months to have a career that’s lasted me 32 years!! My husband has been with the same company for over 45 years!! You want to be an educated rural human being????? Work hard. Build a life you love. Learn something new every day at your job…….that’s being educated!! It doesn’t take a degree written on a piece of paper to make you educated.
Thank you for your comment. I am 53 years old and never attended college. I have raised 4 children who ALL have college degrees AND graduated WITHOUT college debt. We all voted TRUMP.
I consider my education was a bit different than the college educated person, but I have been educated my every job I have ever held. I am a proud American and vote every election. But because we live in Rural Areas does not mean we cannot make informed decisions. We should not be catorgorized by “uneducated” at the very least.
Bernie Sanders was trying to help rural America. But since he was not on the Republican ticket,
(a label) the people who needed help, did not vote him in… (along with the back stabbing of the Dems). He has a long track record of integrity instead of the long (verified) track record of bigotry, sexism, and self aggrandizement, so contrary to Christian values of Trump. Our electoral system needs a big overhaul. Huge Sigh inserted here– so sad to read all the division between Americans. Hope people might be interested in reaching across the divide and bring our country back together, but after reading so many of the responses that are filled with hate and closed mindedness and misinformation, it’s really hard to keep believing are country can ever heal… Sometimes people love to hate : (
I do not have a college degree. So that makes me uneducated? I don’t think so. I am only 19, I have a high school dioploma. I have had a job since I was 12. Us uneducated rural voters are far more educated then they are putting us out to be. It may just be how they refer to “us” but they way it was said last night was on the media was out of context. Next time all you educated people drink a class of milk, eat beef, etc. like about where it came from. I’d like people with their degrees try to come and milk a cow, slaughter a pig, and so on. The media was trying to make it seem like uneducated voters is why Hillary lost (because (we) “uneducated voters don’t know what we are doing. No, we just want a change. We are have just as much as an education as people with degrees. We grow into agriculture, we are raised in our degree. No matter who we voted for we all have an opinion and I know that the rural community does not appreciate the media portraying us this way.
Hey I didn’t go to college, but I am far from uneducated!! You do not have to go to college to be educated! Thank you very much.
I do not have a college degree but I am a successful business woman. I find it degrading that just because I didn’t go to college I am uneducated