This week is National FFA Week. I got started in FFA when I was a sophomore in high school. My motivation was because I wanted to take part in the floriculture contest. I thought putting together flower arrangements sounded fun. Funnily enough, I never did that contest. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me either. I had so many amazing experiences during my time in The National FFA Organization that it doesn’t matter. So many amazing leaders and people have gone through the FFA. Even knowing that I have 5 things I want you know about the organization.
1. We are not a cult. You might think this is crazy, but a lot of us have been asked if we were in a cult. One time, I got pulled over on my way home from a contest. Yes, I have a lead foot. I was in my official dress and freezing because it was February. He saw what I was wearing and said, “What, are you in a cult or something?” It took a lot of self control to not roll my eyes. If I hadn’t been trying to not get a ticket I probably would have. Trust me, this is not a cult. The National FFA Organization brings in kids with all interests that cover the agriculture, science and natural resources gamut together. They teach them to be accepting, understanding and give them leadership skills to continue through life.
2. It’s not like Napoleon Dynamite. My project area was Dairy Entrepreneurship. Which means I got asked a lot of I looked at cows and pointed out extra teats. I was in school during the height of Napoleon Dynamite. I thought the beginning and end were hilarious. However, the movie really dumbed down how amazing getting ready for these events are. They didn’t show how much we had laughing while we were studying for our Crop Production contest. All of the hard work the Parliamentary Procedure kids put into practicing and studying. Or all of the traveling, laughing and studying the dairy judging kids did.
3. You will learn to nap almost anywhere. Doing events for The National FFA Organization means a lot of early mornings and late nights. You will laugh so hard your stomach hurts. You will meet more people than you thought possible. You will do things you never thought possible. You will also nap in uncomfortable auditorium chairs, benches and on buses. But it will be totally worth every minute of sleep lost.
4. Navy blue and black together are a fashion statement. Ok, not really. I would guess a couple of guys made The National FFA Organization’s dress code. After my initial few times of wearing, I realized the dress code is just the tip of the iceberg. That National Blue and Corn Gold have so much history and meaning behind it. Thousands of youth have worn those colors before me and after me. I am proud to say I looked like bruise.
5. The National FFA Organization will change your life. Whether you stay in agriculture for your career or not, FFA will change you. This is an organization that you will get back what you put in. The only way you will regret taking part in FFA is if you don’t take advantage of what is offered you.
What is one thing you want people to know about The National FFA organization?
I live in the Northwest corner of CT where there is a very active chapter of the FFA at the high school which is Housatonic Valley Regioinal High School. Quite a mouthful. It was formed from the high schools in six small towns some years ago.
There a few dairy farms around here, but the FFA is involved in many things. At Christmas they sell Christmas trees and wreaths. Also poinsettias that they have grown in the greenhouse. It is a very active group.
When I was growing up in Iowa we had a FFA chapter so I’ve known about them a long time. They are a good group.
It sounds like you have some amazing FFA chapters in your area! In our area we have several great chapters as well and I love watching the youth grow and succeed.