When I sat down to write this post about balance I had a general concept of where I wanted it to go. But my title stayed blank and I stared at the screen wondering how in the world I was going to start it. For months I had been thinking about tackling this issue all moms are thinking about. As a parent I have realized there is a whole new dynamic to the balancing act of life. What cemented this topic was all of the responses on my survey that talked about this very subject.
Give Yourself Grace
I have a lot of irons in the fire. Anyone who knows me personally knows I am involved in a lot. Definitely too much. Living in this packed full and busy life means I have to keep everything in a very delicate balance. Often, my balance will get off but I am constantly working to get back there.
In the future I am planning to share about priorities, organization and just keeping life sane. Before we get there I wanted to start with a sound base to build on. Wearing lots of hats means we are all busy. I’m really not sure how people think I really have it together in life. I’ll be honest, I don’t. My house, car and purse are a mess constantly. Being late is a skill I have that drives my husband nuts.
The first rule in my book of life is giving yourself grace. You can’t do it all just like I can’t do it all. I try not to portray my life as perfect because it’s not even close. But it’s also hard to put 100% reality out there for everyone to see. Looking around at this moment my house is an absolute mess, but I’m sitting here writing because I have put this off too long.
It took me a long time to give myself a little grace and not sweat the small stuff. One day I realized I was wasting so much time always being worried about what everyone thought or spending time only on things that bring me no joy. My time was full without my life being fulfilling. After lots of practice, where each time I stopped myself when my thinking went down the rabbit hole–I did something revolutionary. I forgive myself and I move on.
I hope before we get into balancing life you can start working grace into your daily life. We all deserve it. What is your first rule for keeping your sanity in a busy life?
AMEN!!! Thank you for sharing this.
I have a tendency to “wash the day off.” After a long day of talking with people, caring for animals that can’t talk to me or driving more miles than I care to calculate, a hot shower helps to relieve the day’s pressures.
I love hot showers! The only thing that ranks better in my book is bed.