In case you missed it, I’m pregnant. I am due around U.S. Thanksgiving (which puts me a little more than halfway through) and so far things are going well. As far as my uterus goes, everything looks good. But this pregnancy has kicked my butt. I have been tired, crabby and just plain uncomfortable for most of it. For a big chunk of it I was making weekly appointments to my OB’s office, which by the way is an hour and a half from my house. So yeah, I’ve been busy. Luckily I’ve been moved down to bi-weekly appointments. Which is the reason why I haven’t been writing in months and my running has been left out too.
I had really hoped this pregnancy would include me being active, particularly being one of those pregnant ladies who crazily runs a half marathon during her pregnancy. Believe me, I tried. I did a few 5Ks early on and I felt like a bad ass doing them. But one day I stood in the hot sun too long, I ended up at the hospital with severe cramping from mild dehydration. Quickly, my hopes and dreams for all of my races this year got deferred to 2019. Let’s be honest, I can’t do a leisurely stroll in a competitive environment. I’m either going to beat my last record or I’m cheering friends on.
Now, I’m not devastated by having to stop running.
OK, I lied. I was really saddened that I had to cut out fitness.
I know baking a baby is priority number 1 and it’s only temporary. After a few days I stopped my pity party and accepted that I need to be thankful I can still work and walk around almost as much as I want. This time on the farm includes a lot of stress because of poor prices that aren’t looking like they will get better soon, a high risk pregnancy and a busy, iron-willed toddler means I’m struggling at times with managing my stress. This pregnancy has included a lot of insomnia and discomfort and I really miss running because of it. I hide and cry a lot over stupid things because it’s just really hard to deal with it right now.
This is a tribute to how much I miss running. To those of you who can log the miles and work toward goals, I hope you realize how lucky you are. When you’re having a hard time pushing yourself to keep going, think of me. Imagine me with my gigantic pregnant belly, chasing you. Laugh about that and keep pushing because I wish I could be with you. Until I can be I will be cheering you all and wishing I could be out there running with you.
If you want to hear more about my pregnancy I am going to do a Facebook post about it.